Week 73
Wow what a beautiful and lovely week. My heart is absoluetly filled with joy and overflowing :)
-We went to Newcastle last week and got to have lunch with sister swallow's dad's convert Diane! It was the most adorable and spiritual time, seeing her get to see her missionary's daughter was indescribable. It's amazing how we all are connected through the gospel!
-the awkward moment when sister swallow told a lass "I like your pants!" Aka in england I like your underwear haha
- we had a funeral at district council, to celebrate the life of me and sister Farrell. we both are going home. It was super precious. Then we had some nandos afterwards delish
-We went out a side gate of the church to be faster, turns out that gate hasn't been used in many years And the key got stuck in the lock! :/ we just had to carry it around and luckily a member was able to get it out, slightly bent but still works
- We went through loads of formers and texted someone named Kali, I was chuffed cause my sisters name is Cali, but when we went to meet them, Kali is a Sikh man haha
-getting sung to by the trio, an original called "Home." Love em hahaha
-so many amazing moments. One of the best weeks of the mission!
-okay so we found another incredible and prepared family! It was presh to pray with them for the first time and hear them so excited about the plan of salvation. It was so cute and awesome! The dad, Davey, met elders in the past and I've never met someone more chuffed to read the book of mormon before!!!!
- we also got in contact with a lady I met on exchange on a bus back in March, jorda! We taught her the restoration and it was so cool. The next day we went by and she wasn't in, but her housemate bev was in and we have been teaching her ever since! It's so cool how the Lord will guide us even when we aren't expecting it.
- our friend Chris is a proper miracle. We met him on Tuesday the 18th of June, and 33 days later, he was baptised. He made so many life changes and I feel so incredibly blessed that sister swallow and I were the ones who got to share the gospel with him. His baptism was so special because he invited his mum and sister and friend and they absolutely loved it! I couldn't help but cry after we shared a little inspirational message and bearing my testimony of the Saviour. I know with all my heart that he lives. He loves me and I'm grateful for the power he has in my life and seeing him transform the lives of others I've met. I feel so incredibly privileged and blessed to have gotten to share this perfect message the past year and a half!
-i love england. So much! Also, there are miracles that happen every single day. I know that for a fact :)
- no effort is wasted! I smile everytime I think of the seeds that have been planted by other missionaries and also by me too
-i love all my areas!! horbury (tiniest area in Europe), Eastwood (robin hood land), hull (best fish n chips), and Darlington (first passenger train went here). All the people I've gotten to meet and teach and serve around, I'm so grateful! All the friends and members and missionaries have been the best ever. The accent here too is so great ahha
- the people I've gotten to meet here I'll miss the most of all. It's incredible how you meet someone on the street or a bus or at their house and then boom you become lifelong friends! I thought I wanted to go on a mission to touch and change others lives, but I've found that the life that was truly touched and transformed is mine!
-all my companions have been my bestest friends. I love each and every one of them and everything they have taught me!!!! All the tears, laughs, crazy people, spirit filled lessons, dance parties, sugar fasts and sugar crazes, sunburns and soaking wet from rainy days have been so memorable
- I feel like my words are not doing enough justice of how I feel! I love the book of mormon! It truly is the word of God. As I've pondered and read that sacred book everyday, I have felt my faith and testimony enlarge, just like The little seed in alma 32. I love love love the book of mormon!
-i know Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. I am so grateful for that day he went out to ask a sincere question to Heavenly father and because of that, we have the fullness of the restored gospel. I'll always treasure those first few exciting moments during a first lesson and knowing that im about to share the first vision. I know that Russell M Nelson is the prophet today!! I'll never forget being the huddersfield stake centre, only a few weeks into the mission field, watching general conference and the overwhelming confirming feeling of the spirit, telling me that man is called of God.
-im sorry everyone, I'm getting so sappy in here. I love the green rolling hills, I love double decker buses, I love knocking doors and talking to people in the streets, I love being awkward and bold because i have nothing to lose, I love telling people every single day that I am a missionary and we have the opportunity to share a message about how Jesus Christ can change lives. I am the luckiest girl in the world!
-i am so FILLED with joy!!!!!! My mission has meant everything to me, I have learnt so many lessons and the immense joy I have gotten to feel is unreal. Of course there have been the hardest of days, but I know Heavenly Father is in the details of my life and he sent his son to be right there with me those days. Im so happy!!!!!!!!
-Just want to say thank you all for tuning in to this lil chicken nugget/diglet on a mission's adventures and for all the support. See you soon loves!
Xxx Sister Bascom xxx