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Makenna Bascom

Week 72


-We went to Sunderland beach again last p day, it was so fun! Sister Swallow and I danced on the beach, so magical! Then everyone else joined in to learn our dance haha so fun. It was so sunny and such a fun time playing volleyball and football with other missionaries in the zone!

-went to sunderland again for a blitz with the sisters there. Sister Ohlund and I met their returning member friend Matthew and he showed us his boat that he is repairing! It is sparkling gold and he called it moroni. Hahaha it was cool when we were chatting in the boat yard, there was another couple there who are friends with Matt and we shared some testimonies about the plan of salvation and the book of mormon! They loved it and said that the sisters can come round with Matthew and teach them more!


-so right when we were about to leave the beach last Monday, the Middlesbrough elders (our district leader) couldn't find their phone anywhere! We had to go but They searched the beach and everyone's bags, but it was no where to be found. They called the zone leaders who were at the chapel and looked up online to track the phone. It was in someone's house like 2 miles away, so the elders got on a bus and ventured out to get their phone back. They asked this guy on the street if he knew where this place was, and the guy was like, "oh are you looking for a phone? My dad found one on the beach, I'll go get it for you" haha when they told us about it we couldn't believe it, what a funny miracle!

-Chris! He's so Funny! Yesterday we were walking with him to a members through the park and all the sudden we were surrounded by all these tiny lil girls and getting chased by them, they were trying to throw cups of water at us! Haha we were hysterically laughing while we ran for a long time to get away from them

- Sister swallow and I got Chris this licorice root things to help stop smoking, and wow they are interesting! We made a little fake cigarette box and put his goal date to go to the temple on It! Then put the licorice root fake cigs with scriptures.


-church was so good! Our friend Karen was able to make it for the first time and loved It! It was a lovely Sunday, with so many friends able to come to church and enjoy.

-interviews with the Greens! They are incredible. Wow, I cried while talking to president green, he knows my dad really well and said a prayer saying how grateful he was that we could serve together, even if it's just for one day. :') they are spiritual giants and so inspired!!!

- our friend Chris is getting baptised this weekend!!!! He passed his interview!!! He is such a miracle! We went over the baptismal interview questions and our ward mission leader gave him a priesthood blessing and it was one of the most powerful and sacred moments of my mission. So special and happy for Chris! Victory!!!


-lil blitz with sister Farrell in billingham, got to go to some fun members house for tea

-exchange with sister Nielsen! She's so good!!

It's hard to put into words everything my mission has meant to me. I'm so grateful for all the blessings and experiences I've gotten to have! I love england so much and I don't know how I'm gonna leave this place:/

Love ya all!!!

Xxx sister Bascom xxx


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