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I just wanna rollie rollie with the rule of britianna

Makenna Bascom

Week 70



-yesterday we got invited for our tea appointment for a picnic and this event called proms in the park, where they play classical British music and it was so fun! We waved our British flags and sang "rule Britannia" and other patriotic songs. Sister swallow and I had fun chatting with people in the park and hearing the bagpipes and all that was incredible

-treated ourselves to a feast at Toby Carvery :) so gooooooood hmmmm


- Last Tuesday, we got invited to teach the yw Dance! It was so fun! Sister Swallow taught them the famous rollie dance the cougarettes did with Cosmo! Haha the young women's pres in our ward was so excited and invited the neighbouring ward to come and a bunch of the girls brought their friends, what a fun missionary opportunity! The girls were going up to sis swallow and taking pics like a celeb. We also did a presh lil contemporary combo about being daughters of god, so cute! The funniest part was right before We began teaching we were rounding the girls up and the young men opened the door and chucked a giant black living spider at everyone, then ran away! Everyone screamed, cheeky boys

- after district council, we were taking a picture and took one where we sat on how many transfers we have completed, each chair = a transfer. There were some mighty giants in that room lol, all of us were up high and the chairs were tipping over from being so tall and slanted. Rip

-teaching the restoration with sister Farrell, "he healed the leopards" hahaha wait a sec

-at 8.45 pm one night, we were walking home and ran into this crew of people, get chatting and find out they all are from Italy! Haha we communicated via Google translate and they kept saying "oh Sorella Bascom Sorella swallow Sorella" hahaha. One of the guys had a cross tattooed on his face but wasnt religious, but idk for sure i couldnt understand him. Ciao Bella

-met this other guy Duncan this week, he had a crazy story about how he got electrocuted and somehow ended up in darlington and so on, after talking to him sis and I were like what haha

- our friend Chris is soooooo funny. His little lines he says, cracks me up. He was explaining to a member about Pokemon go and How you get poke balls, etc. He's awesome


-last Monday after p day we got to have a restoration movie night with our friends! It was really fun and everyone enjoyed it. Some things our friends shared at the end was "wow I have a lot more respect for Joseph Smith now" "it gives a greater understanding what happened" it was a really special night!

-chatted with this guy doing his garden and he's like "go try my neighbour across the street, they're from america!" So we knock on their door and we met Jeannie from Florida, so nice! Her son used to go to church/knew missionaries at one point and she was setting up her own return appointment for us to come back!!!!! Man I love Americans haha

-there were some *chavy* girls In the town, sister swallow asked them a question and they recognised me from riding the bus and they were asking us all these questions. We took a selfie and it was soooo so so funny, we were dying inside at their little poses. They kept apologising for swearing and wearing immodest clothes, and we said hey you are beautiful daughters of god! We looked so white compared to them in the pics. We have a lil fan club now lol

- so last p day sister swallow lost her bus pass on the way home from food shopping, rip. We had just got new ones and they were quite a few pounds! We tried finding it but couldn't and the arriva office didn't have it either. So for four days she just had to get day rider passes until we figured out a solution. But on Thursday we went to just try and see if the arriva bus office had it. I had really low faith that they would, it had been so many days and someone was bound to take that little treasure! So we tried by and guess what! They actually had It! It was such a special miracle! I was so shocked but of course also not surprised cause Heavenly Father is in the details of our lives!

-okay you ready for the coolest miracle of all!? So back story, sister swallow was one exchange and met this girl named vickie, she was really interested in the plan of salvation, but since she was 16 they just had to see if she would contact us. Okay and we also have our friend Chris, who's progressing so well! He is taking everything in and just doing really awesome. When we taught him about the first vision, it was so spiritual and special while i recited it in a park with the sunlight shining through the trees, it was amazing! And so then the other day, chris texted us and said, hey you met my sister Vickie, she really enjoyed speaking with you! :O yooooo!!!!!!! They are siblings! So we got to meet up with Vickie and Chris and teach them the plan of salvation and they were so chuffed to learn these things together! What a cool experience. And then, we made a deal with them that if they can stop smoking, we will stop eating chocolate! So far, so good. Chris came with us to a friend's baptism in Middlesbrough and loved it! Ahhhhhh!!!!


-going on sister Martins first exchange! She's from Portugal and so good!

-exchange with my girl sister farrell!!! Love

- sister swallow and Sister redington and i made up a little dance, so fun and wonderful and joyful. I LOVE being with a comp who loves to dance <3

-on Friday night sister turvey called us to say goodbye and How much she loves us!!!! It was so tender and they left Saturday! I'm so grateful for them and excited to meet president and Sister green tomorrow!!!

-met an Albanian woman named mikena! Hahahaa presh

"Strive for a ministry that is treasured, not measured"

Love you!!!!!!! I cannot believe it is July! I'm soaking up every second I can here in england:)

Xxxx sister bascom xxx


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