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Makenna Bascom

Week 69

England -

- nothing really to say about england besides the fact I love this country!

- one cool thing that happened was my companion's dad served in the england Leeds Mission, and he was telling her some people he met and baptised in our zone and she told the elders serving in the area he served and they went and visited one of the ladies he taught the gospel to (she's been less active for a while) and she was so happy to see the missionaries!!! What a cool and special thing!

Funny -

- met Some funny characters this week, like peter with a crusty mustache and Raymond with the bushy eyebrows. oh yeah, remember the guy Mark with the dent in his head? Yeah he's interesting, he told us he'd get us arrested for being serial killers.... okay makes sense. Everybody watch out the sisters are gonna get ya

-yesterday afternoon, we felt really inspired to go try by a potential pin in the map, it was of a woman named Carol who's a self referral! So sister swallow and I were like we should go! Since it was Sunday the buses were really weird and she lives at the top of Darlington so it took a while getting there. We knocked on the door and a woman named Carol answered, but she told us that someone at work put her name on the website as a prank and she wasn't interested. Haha we tried to still chat and see if she's changed her mind but nah

- yesterday (Sunday) morning, we walked into our friend gills house to walk her dogs before We all went to church. The relief society president texted us saying "are you all set for your lesson today? Do you need me to help set up anything?" And sister swallow was like, what lesson is she talking about? For a split second i was so confused, and then it hit me- on sister paces last Sunday the rs pres asked me if me and my new comp could teach the 23rd, and I totally forgot to plan it or even look at the general conference talk that it was on! :O so while we walked some dogs we planned the whole lesson and it actually turned out pretty good for totally winging it! Miracle


-so last Sunday, there were two families I didn't recognise sitting in front and behind us. So after sacrament meeting, I did the missionary pounce and we talked with both of them. One was a couple who have been inactive for many years and have been going to a Baptist church the past few years, but wanted to try our church again. We went and saw them this week (they live in the cutest presh town in our area called richmond) and they are so lovely! We told them we can start doing come follow me together and they were pretty chuffed about that, they love all the new changes that have been happening in the church

-the other family was from south Africa, they invited us over for lunch and we learned that the gpa is an active member visiting his son here in england who's been inactive for 30+ year's and his non member partner with two cute lil kids! When we went for lunch, Marcelle (the partner) was asking us loads of questions and saying "so are there lessons or What can I do to learn all these things and understand? Because I really want to raise my kids in a church and help them gain these values. So can you tell me more about the book of mormon and Joseph smith?" :O :O girl you are in the right place!!! They are super busy the next few weeks because they are getting married (!!!!!!!!!!) July 4th! Of this year! That never happens so quick, usually people are engaged for years before they actually get married here! I have good feelings about this fam. I hope I can see them grow in the gospel !

- whilst on exchange, we visited a cute member, sister carr, and heard some of her conversion story. She was telling us about how a few years after she joined the church and went on a little trip to leeds, her friend (who wasn't a member at the time) and her were trying to carry their luggage at the train station, and saw two elders, so sister Carr called out to them and they helped carry the suitcases. She didn't think it was a big deal and her friend was even acting weird that she asked for their help, but then many years later her friend joined the church. She asked her friend what it was that clicked and the friend said that what stood out to her after all these years were the elders helping with the luggage! So there you go, you never know the impact you have or What seeds you plant, just by being an example to others!

- so on our p day last Tuesday, we were carrying a giant bag of shopping home and stopped this guy named Chris and he is so awesome! He seemed only semi bothered at first, but when we taught him a few days later about the plan of salvation and How he can be with his grandparents again, he was so touched! When Sister Swallow said the opening prayer, he just sat there for a second and was like whoa, I was not expecting it to feel like this! And then at the end too, he just sat there, silently feeling the spirit :) it was such a special and cool lesson. He has accepted a baptismal date for the 20th of july!!!! So chuffed for chris!!!

-there are so many more miracles we've seen but those are just a few!!! Love being a missionary:)

Joys -

-exchanges with sister iuhimciuc! She's so lovely and loved getting parmos again!

-affer a few weeks finally got to see our friend lil David! He's moving from darlo but He texted us saying "we'll always be friends sister bascam" haha

-feeling like a dream team with sister swallow as my Comp!

Love ya!!! Xxx sister Bascom xxx


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