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sit down be humble

Makenna Bascom

Week 68

Hey everyone, we had zone conference yesterday so our p day is today! Don't worry I'm not being dodgy haha.


-said bye to my girl sister pace!!!! It was sad/funny, we woke up at the crack of dawn to go drop her off at the station and we didn't even get to say a proper goodbye because we were helping her put her luggage in the train then the doors almost closed with me on and so I leaped off and the train drove away! Biya haha. I loved serving with her :)

- my new comp sister swallow is so cute!!! I was super sick this week thanks to all the pouring rain (everyday it chucked it down) and she took good care of me. I always get so poorly at transfers rip!

-proud of sister swallow for getting shwarmified by having her first shwarma. Haha she loved it!

Funny -

-Went by to check on our friend Nigel and for sis pace to say goodbye, we were surprised when he walked up behind us with a black eye!!!! He said gypsys tried to break into his home. And he didn't break his leg but just his big toe. Bless him

-Went by the Walters to say bye, and they wrote sister pace a song called "Madeline" !!!!! Hahahaha they kill me, so funny. They gave us little stuffed animals and notes, so presh

-Went to a baptism and the church steeple just fell off??? And it was just chillin on the stage????? One of the sisters said today their ward mission leader is convinced it was the gypsys! :O They strike once again

-met this guy on our way home from zone conf last night who stopped us (never happens) and said "hey are you mormons?" We said, "no we're from the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints" :) haha. He had a giant dent in his head and said he classifies himself as a Mormon but doesn't believe in god... okay dude. I'll let y'all know the deets how it goes meeting with him lol

- in the middle of talking to our friend Andy at his doorstep, I sneezed and a bunch of boogers just went all over me and it was so embarrassing haha. Sorry tmi that's gross but it was so funny and he gave me some kitchen roll. Bless me

Spiritual -

-sister swallow and I thought we were funny when we were training at zone conference and told everyone to stand up! Then we said, sit down be humble. And then trained on humility lol. We talked about humbly submitting our will to the lord while we are planning, and really making the most of the time we have to plan for our friends to keep their goals and commitments and making a daily schedule for them. Ya know me, I love planning ahead and organising, and so it was just so fun to prepare and present. It was also the turveys last zone conference, so of course we all bawled and were so sad! They said goodbye to everyone and hugged us then they just bounced outta the building and my heart was broken! I also said my departing testimony and just lost it, I'm honestly so sad this is my last transfer! I have learnt so many incredible lessons and i know that this gospel has changed my life and my saviour lives. I honestly can say i have seen miracles every single day of my mission! And I'm so lucky I still have some time to just send it for the Lord!

- One day I was super poorly but i just needed to get out of the house and be on the streets Haha! So we went out for 1 hour and met so many cool prepared people and friends! God really leads our paths! I'm so grateful He let me be well enough to still go out for little bits of time and meet those people

-lil joe! He came with us to a baptism in Middlesbrough and he loved it! It was a miracle to get someone to take us and it just all fell into place. He's is just this little man and he is so awesome and we read with him and he knows going to church is going to keep him happy! He's so good

Joys -

-a cute gma member showing us her baby pet kittens!!! So cute

-going to Leeds for our departing missionary meeting and seeing all my friends!!!

-relief society activity, little afternoon tea party and Karen (the trio's mum) came and loved it!!!!

-got to talk to recent convert Nathan from Eastwood! It was so fun to chat and hear from him!!

Love you guys!!!! Have a great week

Xxx sister Bascom xxx


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