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happy bday to the queen

Makenna Bascom

Week 67


-today for p day, some members took us out to the beautiful Yorkshire dales and to Bolton castle! So lovely and wow the views were majestic! And the crazy thing is it was also still in our ward boundary! Darlington is massive!!

- Last p day we went to the beach in Sunderland as a zone and it was so so so fun!!!!!! We walked down the pier and to the lighthouse and saw seals and did a hilarious relay race with everyone and other activities and it was so fun! We also had a great fireside right on the beach. Fab mems

-it was absolutely chucking it down this week!!!! So incredibly rainy. Love it though!

-we were at a tea appointment and the husband and wife were acting out when Trump came to visit the queen. Hahaha imagine two 70 year olds trying to fight who gets to stand in front of the other, it was so funny. I didn't even know Trump was here til everyone let us know??? Lol. And also fun fact, the queen has two birthdays! One is like a private celebration and the other is a public holiday

- prayers are answered cause I am staying in Darlington for my fourth transfer!!!! Yee!!!!! I'm so happy. Of course I would have been willing to do whatever heavenly father asks, but I am proper pleased to be staying to finish my mission here. And my new comp is cute sister swallow!!!! I can't wait!!!! I low key have wanted her as my comp as soon as she came into the mission, she was a byu cougarette so you know we're gonna have some fun dance parties!


-We were supposed to have ward council at the chapel, so we trek all the way there and it was cancelled. But the young men and women were having a bake sale/car wash fundraiser, so we supported them whilst we were there. It was pouring rain and there were no buses so we walked home and our treats got ruined haha. Bless

-had a "lesson" with our friend andy, turned into him showing us his Elvis stuff and old fashioned pictures. He's a funny bloke, but he genuinely said he wants to learn more about God's plan for him which is good considering I barely got one sentence in! Glad he was listening to me somewhat :)

-We were popping into a shop to grab a bday gift for one of the zone leaders (we're so funny, it was a giant gummy poop emoji. he loved it, I tried some and it actually wasn't bad!) and saw these matching M notebooks so we had to purchase them haha we already have too many notebooks. Then that night at tea, the members gave sister pace (madeline) a goodbye gift and what did they give her? An M notebook hahaha, they gave me a matching M one too so I didn't feel bad, how nice. We were laughing so hard when we got home, so many M's

-We met this guy ric last p day and we were chuffed cause he texted us first and that never happens! He was telling us he knows about prophets and apostles and whatnot, so that's cool. But then he said, "can I take sister bascom out for dinner?" Oooh dodgy. Bless Ric


-mormon 5:43- know ye not that ye are in the hands of the lord? <3 He knows the details of our lives and he's going to help us.

-it was the turveys last MLC! Tears! I'm going to miss them immensely! I'm so glad we still have some time with them!!!

- We went by our friends Ruth and Joe (they almost got baptised a few weeks back but didn't happen) Ruth has softened so much to us, she even said "We forgot to say an opening prayer!" And said a perfect prayer. Joe said he still wants to come to church every week, he's doing so good! I'm sure his example to his family will help them so much and follow in his footsteps! And it was so cool, his dad has never talked to us before but this week we had a nice little chat with him! Miracles are happening you guys!!!


-exchange with sister redington!!!! She is so fun! We laughed and had some good missionary times. The four of us (sisters pace, Farrell, redington and me) had such fun together:)

-blitz in hartlepool and Durham with sister saulle and Nielsen! Such stars they are!

- I just love being a missionary! Sometimes I take the miracles that happen everyday for granted, I need to be better! I love the Lord and am going to continue working so so hard these next few weeks!

- my girl sister pace arrives home this week!!! It's been such a blessing to be her companion for three transfers! Love that girl loads! She's amazing!!!

Cheers loves! Xxxx sister bascom xx


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