Week 66
England -
- last week for p day some members took us up the farthest north I've ever been and we saw the angel of the north (big brown statue thing) and to bamburgh castle!!! It was a dream. Imagine a giant incredible castle overlooking the sea. Yeah it was amazing. Such a fun lovely adventure! They even had Viking thing going on so that was fun to see them duel each other
-one day this week, it was pouring rain and all of our appointments got cancelled, and even our backup backup plans failed. But we still found the joy in the work :)
- we had parmos a few times this week, one on exchange and the other for our recent convert David's bday. Such a delight
- our area is so huge and covers an army base, so that was fun to venture out to on exchanges with a car! It is super forested and pretty over there
- so one of our friends also chats with sister missionaries from temple square, and it was really cool to talk with them and hear about what their mission is like! Tbh though i'm really happy to be in england, it's perfect for me!
Funny -
-Idk how to explain our friend William/Edward? He introduced himself as William but his name may be Edward, he invited us to his art exhibit and originally was like "nah I don't wanna be a mormon" and then by the end of the lesson he asked "so what's my baptismal goal?" Haha he's funny
- Our friend Nigel broke his leg?????? Not sure whats going on Bless him
-when we had the car on exchange, poor sister burningham and I were trying to fill up the tire pressure and we were so helpless bless us
- our friend Joe got permission from his mum to come to church!!!!!!!! It was so good to see him again and he told us his goal is to finish reading the book of mormon by the end of the year!!!! Wow He is doing so good. It's amazing that Heavenly Father is able to let things work out in his own time! Just gotta trust in him!! And it makes it that much more sweeter for Joe that he really is making an effort to find answers for himself and not letting other influences take away from that. Legend
- on our way to district council, this lady saw our badges and straight up asked us "can you tell me more about the church of Jesus christ?" :O jaw dropped haha nobody ever asks us that! So we were happy to tell our new friend Donna about the church and the book of mormon and meeting with her this week!
-We went to Newcastle for a blitz and it was so fun to meet all the sisters Chinese friends! sister yang and i were meeting in the fancy newcastle library with a recent convert of theirs, and then the Mandarin elders came over and introduced us to their new friend they had just met with. Obviously I had no idea what was going on cause they were speakin rapid Chinese but they left and the lady sitting at the table just chillin reading her book started talking to us because she overheard our conversation and was from the same place in China as the elders friend! And as we started chattin with her, she told us about her life and it was so presh to give her a book of mormon and she was so happy to meet sisters from a church and it was so cute to see the member bearing her testimony to her in their native tongue, it was seriously such a cool miracle! I love that about a mission, you just never know what miracles are in store for you every day!!!
Joys -
- exchanges with sister burningham! She's soooooo presh love her!
-exchanges as well with sister Iuhimciuc! It was fun to meet some new friends and some Romanians for her to speak to and some Turkish guys who said they'll give out our cards to people at their barbershop! Haha nice
- blitzes in Newcastle with sister yang and billingham with sister redington!
-so much joy!!!! I love life
Love yas!!!!! Xxxx sister bascom xxx