Week 64
- last p day, we went to a cute town in our area called Richmond. Its so cute!!! On our way there, We stopped and took a walk through some fields and took pictures in the yellow fields. Rip though because I hopped over the little stone fence and ended up in a bunch of stinging nettle!!! My consequence I guess, I love the yellow fields. When we got to Richmond, we saw all these waterfalls and cute buildings and got ice cream and explored around the castle. So magical
- it's funny cause English people make a classic roast dinner and have both mash (mashed potatoes) and roasties (roast potatoes). All bout that potato life
- overheard from a senior couple, "he's so prepared!.... but he has a beard, is that okay?"
- Wayne (from the trio) told us that he wants to work his way up to being the bishop.. haha doesn't quite work like that
-I didn't know this, but apparently Yoda was modeled after President david o McKay or president spencer w Kimball was it? Haha learn something new everyday. Our friends thought that was incredible when a member told them that
- so many funny moments this week teaching some friends about the law of chastity. Haha good stuff
- so one day, we went to try by this lady that the elders found on the bus. We walk Down her street, and meet two drunk blokes. Robert was just chilling on his bench in his lawn, and Jimmy was his friend visiting. We were chatting for a bit, and jimmy was asking us "questions" that weren't really making sense. We left and started walking to find house #20. We couldn't find it for like 3 min and then realised it was through a side gate and so we went through there and the door was wide open. We kind of knock and Jimmy came out! Haha we were so confused, how did he get there? He was soooo drunk bless him. The next day we tried by and we saw him again, still there. Oh Jimmy
-same day after meeting Jimmy, we met some this falconer guy who has eagles and hawks in his back garden. So of course he brings them out and shows us his birds skills. So random and funny
-this was actually really scary but funny too. On Wednesday night, we were at the chapel with our ward mission leader and ward missionaries for a meeting, and the phone in the bishops office was ringing like crazy (didn't even know there was one there). So finally one of the members went to answer it. She talked on the phone with this person for a long time, and told the lady (she introduced herself as Liz) on the other end we would go visit her that night. I was like, oooh maybe its a miracle! We had our meeting, and then afterwards, we went to this lady's house. When we knocked on the door, I saw someone peeking through the blinds, but no answer. Finally this lady answered the door and she had really crazy hair and lipstick all over and smelled so strong of alcohol. But other than that, she seemed fine. We chatted for a bit, and then she invited us inside. We told her we needed to get going (it was 8.45pm) but she INSISTED we came inside. So we go in and sat down and chat a bit more, she was really crying a lot and we tried helping her feel better but nothing we said helped. It was almost 9pm and we said we had to go, and she looked at the member and said, "can you leave please? I want a word with the girls. Alone." :O in that moment I was so scared! She tried to get the member out of the house but the member knew she wasn't safe so we all went outside. Sister pace pointed to a thing on the wall of this cutesy sign that says, "welcome to the nut house" haha true. but yeah, I was so scared to get kidnapped, I had never felt that scary feeling before on my mission till then! And then, this lady kept calling us on a private number and texted us from a number already saved in the phone as Margaret... Spooky y'all
-met this cute Muslim lady, "there's one god, just multiple fan clubs"
-David is getting baptised this weekend! He's doing so good and we're so excited for him!!! Pray for him!
-also our friend Nigel is so awesome and getting baptised this weekend as well! He told us that the book of mormon gives him power. We had the privilege to sit in for his baptismal interview, it was so cool!
-got to teach a self referral this morning, it was so amazing! He said he wants to fill the hole that he feels is missing. Stay tuned for how things go with him!
- sorry the spiritual side isn't that long today, sometimes it's so hard to put into words how wonderful and amazing the gospel is! I love being a missionary and sharing this message :)
- fun district council and schwarma with the crew
- met some cute utahans visiting Darlington ward on Sunday! So fun
- exchanges with presh sister Moedl! We had so much fun and felt so much joy :)
Have a good week everyone!!!! Love you xxx Sister Bascom xxx

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