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my good friend Cath

Makenna Bascom

Week 63


-so presh to call my fam yesterday for American mothers day! Love ya mum!!!

- some members took us to the York outlet last p day, and wow. They really treated us!! We went to this super cute store called Cath kidston, it's so classic English stuff there. And we also went to a super yum American diner place, I had such a delish burger, I was so content! Of course we hit up Cadburys and loads of other chocolate places. Such a fun day!!

-i know I say it every week but I just absolutely love England! Its so pretty and strange and lovely. What a special place this is <3


-ate some chocolate orange and didn't notice til after our lesson that it was all over my face! Rip

-Went over for another exciting tea time at the Walters (the trio). Crack me up bless them

-met this super cute lil Chinese lady on the metro after zone conference, it was actually way cool cause she had been to Church before and knew my very first sister training leader sister ligaliga so that's cool! She is 37 but looked like she was 22, she invited us all to go backpacking at the end of July across Europe:) When she had to get off the metro, she put her hands out and said "contact contact give me your contact info!" Haha


- started reading the book of mormon with miss gill. She's so smart and looking at the footnotes, and pointed out at verse one how the footnotes says "afflictions, blessings, gifts of God." I never noticed that before! It was a good reminder of how our afflictions can become our blessings and even gifts from God to help us become stronger and grow.

- church this week was really good! The lessons and talks shared were very touching and uplifted me. I'm grateful for the peace that comes from the gospel and immediate goodness from Heavenly Father

- zone conference! Always a good time. Besides me making a fool of myself

While I led the music and had to give a random talk and gave training, I'm grateful for the instruction and edification I received!

Tears -

- so everything was going perfectly with our little miracle fam, right. But on Wednesday night, our friend Ruth texted us saying she doesn't know about being baptised and we shouldn't come round anymore.... what!? I was so sad and shook. What happened!? We stay in touch with her son Joe, who told us some of her concerns, but he was also super gutted because he wanted to be baptised and keep learning. We decided to give them a few days, and then we just popped by one night. Ruth let us in and explained everything, we told her we understand and respect her decision.. and then Joe came down, and the other kids in the family, and then the dad.... haha he started telling us how we're a cult and not Christians and how outrageous tithing is and man, did i feel like a proper missionary :) it was scary but awesome haha. Before we left, i said a prayer and almost cried but held it in. Ruth told us that she will always remember the atonement <3 We were really sad when our most progressing friend decided she doesn't want to get baptised or continue learning about the gospel, but we feel peace knowing we did everything we could to help her resolve concerns! We still have some friends on date to be baptised so we're going to do everything to help them. And Although our friend decided not to continue meeting with us, we have found little miracles with the situation that I know God's hand was involved! We were worried the mum would not allow it, but she said that joe can continue to learn more from us about the gospel. Sometimes the miracles we pray for are different than what happens, but I trust in Heavenly Father's timing!


- celebrated at some members my bday a week late, so presh!

-almost every night this week we had a sleepover! It's always so fun to be with all our girls :)

- exchanges with sister Saulle, sister Lange, and blitz in Sunderland with sister Ohlund!

Stay happy! Have a smashing week xxx sister bascom xxx


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