Week 62
-last p day, we had a nerf gun war with all the elders, i think I mentioned last time. Afterwards, we sent it in town shopping around with all 8 of them. So funny
-took some members to teach our friends Nigel and Barry, Nigel wasn't in so it was just good ol uncle Barry. It was a funny time
-We were helping some members clear out their old shed and there was so much random stuff and sister pace chucked this can of paint but it was open a little bit and She got a bunch of crupsy paint all over her! Haha but luckily the member was able to get it out
-we have been prepping for the northern zone pt 2. For zone conference. Sister pace and I haven't stopped laughing, the training is going to be so funny! But more importantly, spiritual of course. Sometimes when i look back at our pictures and videos together I'm like, it looks like we don't even do missionary work haha just messin about. But don't worry, we get things done and work really hard
-convo we had on the bus with this dude Jordan (who I had met before, remember when we had to borrow the hammer and screwdriver, we met him then) "so which do you like better, football or rugby?" He's quiet for a sec, then said "weed"
-now that I'm thinking about it, we met so many funnies this week. Gotta love darlo
-so on Friday night, our friend gill took us out to this place called uno momento. It was so yum and soooo much food! I got a starter of garlic bread and I was shook when it was the same size as a car tire! Lol and the workers all sang to me and banged drums and it was a super celebration. The next morning, (my actual bday) i joked with my companion that it would be funny if the member's took us out to uno momento again for tea. And sure enough, the member texted us and said "see you at uno momentos!" Hahahaha we told her we went the night before and so they took us to another Italian place in town called al forno (but had the same exact menu lol). It was so so funny
-our friend David is doing so good, he just barely pushed his baptism date forward this morning to 25 of may! He's so good. It's been amazing to see his faith grow and confidence and testimony blossom. He told us he wants to fly to Utah to visit sister pace and I so presh
-there was a musical fireside in billingham last night! It was fun to see all the missionary friends. And our friends paul and Katrina came and loved it. Paul is already on a baptismal date but his girlfriend Katrina was so touched last night and telling us she wants to be baptised as well, she can see how the gospel makes us all so happy and She wants that for herself as well! Wow miracle. The trio went last night too, they are doing great lol. Wayne and Martin now both have the slicked back hair look and lookin fresh
-wow okay so our friends Ruth and Joe are so amazing. For my birthday, they gave me a little mug that says 21 and this huge happy 21st bday card and wrapped it in happy 21st bday wrapping paper. I was so touched. I have never taught someone who is as prepared as Ruth is. She is the most easy going investigator ever, no concerns and always wants to meet with us and come to church and keeps all the commitments we give her, and same with her son Joe he's so good too. It's so incredible, we met her about a month ago at the beginning of April, when she was taking some time off from work for a few weeks, so we were able to teach her almost everything really fast and introduce them to members and whatnot. She also said a few months ago she decided to stop drinking coffee and so she was already living the word of wisdom. !!! She has always believed in Jesus and god and sees how this gospel is blessing her life and building on that foundation she already has. This week, we wanted to invite her and Joe to be baptised and set a day. We had already talked about it but they wanted to think about it. So we had it planned to invite them and She brought it up herself! First thing she says "I've been thinking about getting baptised." Me at that moment= !!!!!!!!!!! Haha. The spirit was so strong and I can't believe that I get to be this lucky soul here in england to share these truths with people. She set her day for may 18. And she is so excited and nothing's going to stop her! Ahhhhh so happy. :) miracles I love em. God's timing is everything!!!
-THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE BIRTHDAY WISHES!!! All the messages, emails, cards and letters and lil gifts meant so so so so much to me!!! My lil heart is so happy I love you all <3 my whole 20th year was spent serving the lord in england and im excited for 21!
-so many fun birthday celebrations this week! we went to lunch in Durham at nandos with the sisters there for cute sis Burninghams bday and it was presh
-saw a cute member in town and She treated us to a little spontaneous fish n chips
-We have a new district and now theres sisters in billingham!!! So happy to get to be with Sister redington and sister Farrell!:)
-lil impromptu exchange with sister saulle while our comps went to Leeds for a meeting. We had some good lessons and knocked some doors, she's so sweet and lovely
Happy may!!!!! Love you all xxx sister Bascom xx