Week 61
- first things first, sister pace and I are staying for our third transfer together in Darlington!!! So chuffed. We love it here and love being together! So excited to send it!!! It's her last transfer which means I'll probs finish here :O
- last week we ventured out to the edge of our area, Barnard castle for p day. It was such a hot and sunny day, super fun. Explored around the castle and by the river and got ice cream
- today for p day the district had a nerf gun war. Sister pace and I did pretty good vs four companionships of elders boom
- it's that time of year again where there's yellow fields everywhere and I'm so happy
- last district council we went to lunch afterwards at your typical middle eastern restaurant place. Sister pace and i got a parmo to share but we had to leave to catch a bus so we took it to go and ate it on the bus and looked like fools trying to eat a parmo (big greasy cheesy chicken) without forks or knives haha rip us
- our zone leaders are so funny..... so excited for the northern zone take 2
- We had MLC this week and it was so good! I love being a missionary
-we had so so many powerful lessons this week and it is so special to share this message with our friends. It's amazing how many people truly are prepared! So much of my mission I felt like noting was happening but there are real miracles every day!!! Just have faith and all will work out :)
-exchanges with sister dummar and sister Shelton! Super good missionaries
Yo I'm sorry this is so rubbish! I'm just kinda sick of typing letters lol. But love you all and hope you have a great week!!!
Xxx sister Bascom xxx