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Chinese razzle dazzle

Makenna Bascom

Week 60

Happy Easter!!! Hope you all had a great time eating chocolate and remembering our Saviour :)


-last p day went to newcastle and hit up the Metrocentre. You guys, its the hugest mall i've ever been to. I heard once from someone on the street that it's like 3 miles long. It was massive, we got lost a few times. It was fun to have some time with the sisters in our zone with some little retail therapy

-after our time at the metrocentre, we slept over at the Mandarin Newcastle sisters flat for zone conference the next morning. So we went to this cute lil Chinese fhe and I had no idea what they were saying but I know it was something to do with easter. And then we played a Chinese version of razzle dazzle so that was presh.

-Went to north shields for some weekly planning and Easter finding by the beach of Whitley bay! It was absolutely packed, we got to see the sea and share some Easter is Christ cards. And got fish and chips. Delish.

-its so sunny!!!!! I'm not wearing tight and I'm overjoyed!!! Can't wait to throw them all away! Bit I'm keeping them for now cause England's weather is so unpredictable

-we got so many easter eggs! People in england don't really do easter egg hunts. But they just give out giant easter eggs made of chocolate. What a kind way to be. Sister pace and I each got like 5 giant chocolate eggs each yummmmmmy!!!!


-okay so our zone training this week was legendary! If I do say so myself. A week before, we filmed it, imitating the new safety zone vids the church came out with to help missionaries stay safe. But we did ours about being the message. So during the week before last, we filmed little snippets and one of the zone leaders is super tech savvy and put it all together. So instead of presenting our zone training, we just had to push play! Genius right? Yeah we were chuffed, everyone loved it. It was so funny making it and presenting it. The northern zone!

-we got a leak! Kinda. So many sisters were showering and so our carpet in our study room was soaking wet from the bathroom. But it worked out, this super buff dude named Daniel came and fixed it. It's always funny when the landlord or plumber guys come in and we low key teach them as we have a little chat. Boom

-i stopped a lady at the beach who had some ice cream and said "hey where did you get her ice cream?" And she offered me a lick!!!! Lol i kindly declined and gave her a card lol

-my comp and i don't really love eggs but we have had some eggs for an extremely long time just chillin so we thought we'd hard boil them and color them. But when we did, they all just floated and wouldn't boil properly cause they are so rotten. Rip

- you know the easter video for this year? It's 1 min and 17 sec, so at a members yesterday we had a competition who could hold their breath the longest during the video. Proud to say I held it the whole time. Not trynna brag but its one of my secret skills haha. But for serious, I really did like it, and all the easter videos the church comes out with


-i spoke yesterday during church and got to share my testimony about the saviour and his atonement and resurrection. I shared the olive press analogy I learned in Jerusalem, it always touches my heart. I'm so grateful that He lives!!!

-found my lil ipod that has loads of primary songs and Dan beck on there from my fam. This week as we've been listening to it, I've remembered how grateful I am that I have always had this knowledge of the gospel! Ugh so good

-had a little good Friday activity at a members and watched "to this end was I born" with the trio. It's cool how Jesus Christ knows how all of us feel and suffered for everyone. It's amazin

-gill, "this little seed is planted in me." She also told a member after church yesterday that she feels so much closer to the Saviour after sacrament meeting. <3

-there just were so many miracles this week! Our friends Ruth and Joe loved church yesterday!!! My heart is bursting with joy for them. They are mine and sister Paces miracle family. Ruth told us that she feels like Joseph Smith, looking for answers. But was so grateful we shared easter with them. And Joe texts us everyday to send him more book of mormon chapters to read. They are incredible!!!!!

-john 8:29!


-exchanges with sister burningham! She's so so so cute. We did some service painting someones kitchen cabinents, and then Went out close to the edge of our area (30 miles south from darlo) to this tiny village called Bedale to visit a less active that never gets visited. She's quite unable to go anywhere because of her health so we were grateful to have a car for the day so go see her!

-exchange with sister holland (yes the apostles granddaughter!!) She's amazing. We saw loads of miracles and met some really cool people. We had a funny experience meeting our new friend Michael, the story is too long but basically his sister we met on the bus and she referred him to us! Lol and he even came to church yesterday so that was sick! And we showed her and her comp all of mine and my comp journals and they died. We are obsessed. And we had a dance party at 10.20 at night. So lit

Pray for our friends paul and david!!! They want to get baptised but just need some extra help with some commandments. They will make it I know it, they are working towards baptism for the 4 of may, pretty good day ;) and pray sis pace and I can stay for transfer #3 together!!! Hahaa we love this place so much!!!! But I know heavenly father makes everything work out for all of our good, so I trust in whatever will happen. Love all of you!

Xxx sister Bascom xxx


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