Week 59
-last week we had a zone p day in Sunderland (where we saw the sea) and had an Easter egg hunt. Lol lasted a solid 4 minutes. We thought everyone would get 3-4 eggs, we were dying when one of the senior couples had gone a little crazy and got 22 eggs haha
-on Saturday, there was some kind of festival in Darlington town centre, there were all these carnival rides and fair booths and there was some kind of dance off with all these elderly men skipping and prancing around with bells on their legs and handkerchiefs. Interesting, it's called morris dancing and apparently it's some kind of pagan tradition
-one morning we were doing personal study, it was about 9.30am. Someone rang our flat, bit we just ignored it. Sometimes people do that cause it's flat #2 so if they're tryin to get in they'll just start ringing everyone. But then a few min later, someone knocked at our door. So I tiptoe over and say, "who is it?" I heard back "police!" :O my heart just about burst out of my chest! We opened up and this guy and girl dressed in normal clothes showing us their badges were right there. They looked as confused as we did haha, they guy said "is there an Atkinson here?" My comp and I are like no, then they both just said "oh okay, sorry we must have the wrong flat." Uhhhhh okay. Didn't ask for ID or search our flat or anything. We must just have that innocent look lol
-I was shook when We went to walk our friend gills dogs, her super fluffy dog Mollie got shaved and she looks like a little rat! Haha bless her
-We were supposed to have our friends paul and david help us out with the zone leaders to prep for zone conf but when we went to pick them up Paul comes outside in his jammies and was like no way sisters it's too early! (Even tho we told them the night before We were coming then) Sister Pace and I panicked cause we really needed their help for various reasons, and it was too last minute to get anyone else. We were scrambling to see who could help, and luckily we got a recent convert of a few years to help out. #rossthemvp I'll tell you about our legendary zone conference training next week :)
-popped by our pals Wayne and Michaela, they were showing us these baby dolls that they have and cracking us up. They are the funniest. Disclaimer, the pics of us holding babies are fake, don't worry not dodgy
-had a zone fireside! It was all about finding one more, saving one more soul. Inspirational
-Our friends Ruth and Joe and Charlotte Are amazing!!!! When we teach them the spirit is so incredibly strong and Ruth loves watching and rewatching the because of Him video. We invited them to pray together as a family and they were so excited to do it together. How precious!
-mark 16:20 the Lord works with us
-gave my driving instructor a book of mormon! She loved it:)
- got to witness the baptism of a young boy named Reece and take our friend Mary to it. It was so special! Mary loved it and said, they look like they're about to do a karate match lol in their white jumpsuits. The spirit there was so strong! I know God loves us and knows us
-exchange with sister Jensen!
- seeing Barry and his nephew Nigel lol. They said some wise words i was impressed
-im grateful for good members who help us so much! Blessed
Love you all and happy Easter! Sorry this is kinda rubbish but I'm in Newcastle at the metrocentre so just trying to live life up here in England!!
Have a happy week xxx sister Bascom xxx