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even though I look like a burnt quiche I still love myself

Makenna Bascom

Week 58


-so as I am typing this, I looked out the window and literally saw the sea!!!! Wow was not expecting that! took my breath away. Its so beautiful and misty I LOVE ENGLAND

- last week, we went to alnwick castle where Harry potter was filmed!!! It is the most northern part of the mission. It was magnificent! There were little quittitch and broomstick classes and it was so cool! The inside was immaculate as well, almost felt like a temple open house lol but not as beautiful or spiritual obvi. The train station was in a place called alnmouth, we saw it from a distance when we arrived so on the way back we decided to pop by. But we didn't realise there weren't buses out there from the train station, so we just sent it and walked 1.2 miles to the tiny village. Got to look at the seaside!! We thought we'd get lunch there but literally there was no people and no shops really lol. It was quite the adventure


-We met this guy named Simon right after church on Sunday and met him at this random pub in Darlington on Monday night. It was awk and the music was blasting and we're trying to teach him about the book of mormon and Idk if he knew English very well, he just stared at us and kept saying "you are so beautiful" to us. Thanks bro

-met a guy named Norman and when we said bye I accidentally said "bye mormon" skrt skrt oops

- do you remember the burnt quiche last week that I thought was so funny Wayne burnt it? A member gave us one for tea this week and i totally burnt it. Awk ahah


- "my heart is getting fixed" -our friend paul. Him and david are so excited for their baptism in a few weeks!!

-the cute new lil primary song "I will be what I believe" <3

-"no one has ever asked me to be baptised or go to church before. I feel so special and excited" - our friend Mary. She's presh

-"im starting to feel sparks from what you say" - cute gill

-cool miracle of the week!!! We were street contacting and saw this lady outside her house putting some rocks in her garden. The second I saw her I knew we needed to talk to her! I am so awkward and just blurted "hey i like your vest" (she had a sheepskin fur vest thing haha). And from there we got chatting!!! She's amazing!! Her faith in God is so inspiring. As we were talking and She was telling about her story and family, my companion and I saw a young boy looking at us from the window. We went back to teach ruth (the mum) the next day and her son Joe (the boy from the window) joined in! It was incredible. And since then, Joe has been texting us, asking for more scriptures to read and saying that his questions have been answered. Its truly amazing that there are people everywhere for us to find and sometimes those people we meet give us the opportunity to meet others who are prepared for the gospel. And Joe was saying his sister wants to learn too! Amazing!!!!! Pray for their family!!!


-got to help out at the mission office! It was so fun. It was like my dream of being a librarian come true. We stamped copies of the book of mormon and put little papers with scriptures in them. It was so satisfying

- general conference!!!!! I love the prophet and apostles!!! So blessed for technology so we could tune in on this side of the pond!!!

-sleepover with all the sister training leaders at the mission home with the Turveys! It was so lovely and fun!!! I was so filled with joy. We got Indian takeaway and gelato at 8.45 at night. It was so so fun!!! We made a mega bed and had all the mattresses pushed together and had fun lil chats. So happy

-MLC!!!! Always good to discuss and make goals as a mission. I love ELM!

LOVE you all!!! Xxx sister Bascom xx


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