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just a casual guys movie night

Makenna Bascom

Week 57


-our stake (billingham) got merged with the Sunderland stake to create one massive NORTHERN ZONE bom bom bom bom bom bom. Yeah I'm so pumped. We are going to the Harry potter castle in the northernmost area of the mission (bordering Scotland) today what an adventure!!!

-so sister pace and I thought we should probably stop being disgusting and shave our legs.... wow we are so white! And it was amazing not to have to wear tights!!! But then it got cold again so sad :(

-so there's this area in darlo kinda near where we live called the denes. And apparently there was a dead body found in the alleyway over there! It's the talk of the town. What a dodge place haha. Don't worry I'm safe!!


-last Monday night, we went to Selby for a blitz with the sisters there. The next day, sister Faux and I went out and preached as you do, and we met this guy named Yordan from Bulgaria. Then a few hours later at the train station with sister pace, we saw him again and he was so confused. He was like, "how many of you are there!?" Haha sister missionaries taking over lol

-so y'all know our lil funny trio of life, how they're forming a band. It was hilarious at ward council this week, everyone there was saying how they've been trying to recruit them to be in their band, some have even gone to little rehearsals or tryouts hahaha. They also fed us tea this week, had Wayne's specialty from his days as a military chef- burnt quiche and noodles soaked in soy sauce and covered in cheese... sounds weird but surprisingly alright

-We have a new district and I just have to say, they are the funniest weirdest bunch ever. Bless me and sister pace with all those elders

-We sprinted 1.2 miles in our coats to get to a lesson we were running late for, yeah rip

-there's a family here that's so good at fellowshipping our friends, haha so right after we sprinted to the lesson we went to a members house (they live right next door to our friend we were teaching) to meet a sister who was coming teaching with us and go inside to be surprised to see our two home boys Paul and David just chillin on the couch, watching bohemian rhapsody with brother Hancock. Complete with loads of treats, perfect guys night lol.

- sister pace and I got on a super crowded bus and went to the back and there were these two lil girls sitting there and randomly start asking all these super deep questions, like "where did Adam and eve come from?" And about god and stuff. Sister Pace and I look at each other like, yo! So we said, "hey those are really good questions! We can help you find the answers." It was just so funny and random, but perfect way for us to segway into the gospel


- We taught out friend Mary about the gospel of Jesus Christ, it was so special and spiritual. It's amazing that we have those 5 simple steps (faith, repentance, bapitsm, gift of holy ghost, and endure to the end) that we live by and that make us so happy!! It's such a special opportunity to Teach people about Jesus

-we've also been teaching our dear lovely friend gill, read alma 32:35 with her. I love that scripture, is this not real? I know with all my heart that this is real and true, I don't know everything but I know that any thing that is light and makes you feel good comes from God!!

-im really grateful that we have phones! This week we were able to have some chats with people on messenger and over the phone and it's so cool that we have that resource to reach out to even more of heavenly fathers children


-lil blitz with sister Faux in Selby!

-lunch with a utahan member sister ogden after our lesson with Mary In yarm! It was soooooo lovely, sister pace and I kept thinking, wow are we with our american mom? Haha, she took us to the cutest lil cafe and it was so happy

- the zone leaders asked us to help out with transfers, so we woke up at the crack of dawn to go to Middlesbrough but when we got there, everyone was already sorted haha. My journal is just full of train and bus tickets

- sister kim called me!!! I love that girl so much

-we got to have a little sleepover with hartlepool sisters, so fun to chat and bond

-got to FaceTime my fam yesterday for English mothers day!!! How lovely :)


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