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just checking on my bee

Makenna Bascom

Week 56


-this p day went to a place called beamish!! It was the best!!!! Like a proper old fashioned English village and going into the mines and lil cute farm and trolleys taking us around and old fashioned sweets and yeah, safe to say I was soooo happy :)

-last week went to York and whoa, love that place too. It was fun to get together one last time as the north Yorkshire zone!

-btw, transfers came and me and my Girl sister pace are having another one here in darlo!!!! So chuffed. And now we are going to be in the northern zone, over billingham and Sunderland stakes!!!! I'm so stoked to go to the north, I've wanted to ever since I got to england!!!!! Yay

-passed my theory (written) driving test, yay. It was funny when I got there, the lady was so weirded out that I didn't have a phone and made me take off my badge and watch. It was weird to be "Makenna" for an hour lol. So awk

-so springy and flowery!!!! I love flowers and I just love England!

-promise I'm not always just touring around town lol, we get stuff done. Most of the time it's a straight missionary grind, teaching and finding and serving ya know. But it really is a blessing to be in such a lovely place. I'm happy :)


-this week was insane!!!! Soooooooo incredibly busy, which I love. But mate, it was exhausting. Tuesday night I was shattered and the week had just begun. Rip me. My companion and I had been out and about all day long, traveling around and hadn't eaten anything yet, we ventured out for our lesson that we called the guy to confirm and he said yes but could not find his address. After looking for so long, we started home and I was so delirious. Haha my comp and I were so tired we were almost crying, we felt like we were walking through jello haha so dead. Haha so I guess that's not really a funny story but looking back now I'm like whoa bless me

-having tea with the stake patriarch and his wife! They are soooo cute and cheeky! He was being all goofy and she kind of hit him and said, "stop it you know better, you're the patriarch!" Haha ooooh roasted! Savage Joan! Love them!

-doing BOM dodge with our district, someone did mine and it was the classic moroni 10:3. Someone was reading it out and I blurted out, "I know this one! Mosiah...." and before I finish everyone was like "mosiah?!?!?! Sister bascom do you even know your scriptures?!" Hahaha I will never live that down. Gotta hit up Darlington seminary hahaha

- went on a blitz in York, saw this lady in a dressing gown and she was like "I'm just wearing this because I'm working nights" (probs wanted to not be the stereotypical English people in the jammies allllll day lol). And then she goes to a bush and said "I'm checking on my bee I saved earlier." Hahahahaha what?! It was so weird. Hope her bumble bee is okay


- we had 7 people at church!!!!!!! God is really gathering his children y'all

- we wrote a bold but loving note for our friend who we have been trying to teach for a while now. She loves church so much but gets funny when We try to teach her. But now she is totally willing and ready for us to teach her!!!! Seriously such a miracle.

-at a members yesterday with our friends paul and david, Paul's like, "I really don't wanna sin anymore. I hate sinning!" Amen bro! They are so keen about the gospel!!!

-ya boys Martin and Wayne received the priesthood!!! They are proper chuffed now they get to baptise people lol love em

-We get to teach a self referral in the next ward over (She wants sisters to teach her) and she is amazing! Pray for mary!!!! She is so happy to learn more (and said she likes how she feels better when we come over than when jw's do)


-blitz in York with sister jensen!!!

-sister McKenna from billingham ward driving us around!!! What an angel!! (She totally remembers you cookie :)

-some of our fav members little daughter brought her friend to tea and church the next day!!! She's so cute and has been praying everyday since her friend lost her cat and it was found!!! How presh is that?

-fhe with some recent converts!!!! So fun to see them continue to grow their testimony.

Well, I love you all. Hope everyone is happy and know I love you! And Heavenly Father loves ya even more. Have a smashing week!!!! Xxxx sister Bascom xxx


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