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cheeky hugs and drums

Makenna Bascom

Week 55


-had a zone p day in York today, so sorry if this email is a bit rubbish! Don't have loads of time. We got to walk around the city walls of York and see the minster too!!!! Incredible, I love this place!

-got some sweets from a dodgy American candy shop the other night! It was incred to have some peanut butter m&ms and sore patch watermelons!!!! Mmmmmm

- one of the sister's on exchange dry needled me, kinda like acupuncture. Crazy huh it was such a bizarre feeling, like I was getting pinched haha wild

- got a lil drum lesson from our friend martyn! Meet him on the street during an exchange, and told him he can teach us some drums and in return we'll teach him the gospel. Pretty sick! Haha sister pace and I were groovin!


-we are teaching such funny people right now! It brings me so much joy and laughter seriously I laugh so much they are the best. I love darlo!!

-like our friend David, told us he couldn't meet because he didn't want to get his bald head wet in the rain. Ooooookay dude.. We really tried to figure something out but he just wouldn't have it. Turns out his buddy Paul took his phone and sent that so cheeky!

-paul is also so funny, he showed us his screensaver of Jesus! He was so proud of it. Presh. But then the next day at church he had switched it to his fav football team, Liverpool football club. Haha priorities am i right

- It was hilarious to see Paul and Davids faces when a member told them during our plan of salvation lesson that Adam and eve were their great great great great great great great... etc grandparents.... they were equally shook and so hyped. It was so funny. Yes!

-bless our friend Barry. He's still really struggling with word of wisdom. We saw him the other day (day before his baptismal interview :/ ) and he was a lil high and cracking us up. Better to laugh than cry right? Although we were a bit bummed out, we know that he'll get baptised someday and it's so hard to be upset with him when he's being so funny. He left us some funny voicemails and he just is such a funny old lad. Bless Barry

-it's really hard to explain everything that happens. Just know it's good and funny!


-We had a lesson with some members and Barry, I was really excited because the member himself had given up smoking to join the church and has so much spiritual power. Him and his wife did an excellent job teaching about the priesthood and showing him how much it can bless Barry's life. It was seriously one of the most spiritual lessons I've been apart of! we were really proud of Barry for giving us all his smoking stuff to "hide" (still just chillin in our flat, don't know what to do with it...) He lasted most of the day, but did go out and bought some more "baccy" (tobacco) that night tho. It's been such an interesting experience to learn about addiction and recovery. For me, it's never been an issue and so it's so hard for me to sympathize and understand why people do that, but as I've been studying ARP and finding scriptures everyday to help Barry (he likes having homework to read), I've come to learn and understand so much more. The most amazing thing about it all is that Heavenly father loves us no matter what, he's going to give us so many chances and that's because of his son, Jesus Christ. I'm so grateful because I know i have so many things I need help with and grateful for that mercy he extends to us. Repent every single day and he will purify us and help fill in the cracks where we fall short!

-go read 2 Corinthians 1:3-4. I love that!!! God will always comfort us


- went shopping with our trio last Monday Lol! We went and bought our girl Michaela some cute modest dresses for Sunday from primark. She loved them and looked so cute on Sunday in one of them! We went to burger king afterward for some ice cream. They are so funny and i will always treasure such priceless memories with them

-got a "hug" from one of the male members! Don't worry it was just a piece of wood engraved to say hug haha. Presh. Sounds kind of weird but it was cute, he's just an old man and gave them to me and my comp

-exchanges with sister bester from south africa!!!! She's so sick!! Love being with her! She's the one who did the needle thing to me

-some of the members gave me and sister pace gel nails. I know so fancy. I've gotten so crazy talking with the hands on my mission, like i am known for flapping and waving my hands about. Idk how to contain it haha

-just having tea with the members here is great! They are so cute and nice! Make me want to have a cute English home! But like in Utah;) lol I love it here but don't get me wrong so many things are kinda wack sometimes and I miss the mountains. Don't worry I'm not trunky!!!

Love you!!!! Have a fab week! Xxx sister Bascom


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