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magic milk

Makenna Bascom

Week 54


- last p day, we went to Durham as a district! It was incredible. There's a giant cathedral and castle (where uni students live!) We saw the courtyard, where Harry potter was filmed. So cool. I just love being in england and getting to see all these cool historic places!!

-we've gotten all the four seasons the other day, snowed and rained and was soooo windy and then bright and sunny. I'm just grateful that when I woke up at 6.30 this morning, it was light and that was so hopeful. We don't have daylight savings time til 31 March, in case you were wondering haha

-so on Friday night, we were coming home from York (which is only about 30 min train ride from darlo) and every single train going north got delayed and then cancelled! Someone got hit by a train near Durham so they had to investigate and closed all the tracks up there. RIP we waited for like 2 hours at the train station, there were so many panicking people and finally a train was about to leave and we barely managed to squeeze on (it was even one of the London kings cross ones that have like 13 carriages, so long and completely full of people). I took a sigh of relief and then the train conductor comes on the intercom and announces that the train was cancelled. So everyone filtered out haha. Bless everyone! Finally another train came and we got on. We managed to get ourselves some plush seats and made some friends, so it all worked out. One girl we were chatting with looked so familiar to me, turns out she lives in Wakefield and works in ossett (in my first area!) It was so fun to meet her, I probs met her before on the bus or something. Even amidst the craziness of it all, Heavenly Father showed us he is always there!


-meeting with our friend Barry. He always awkwardly chuckles and it's kinda creepy and so funny, makes me and sister pace just die and then he keeps laughing and it's so funny. Our district leader told us about this "magic milk," or "fag (cigarette) milk" as he called it lol. If you have a cigarette in a glass of milk for a few minutes, then have the person drink it then smoke a cigarette and it's supposed to make them stop because it's so gross. Idk but we tested it on Barry and he was really grossed out by the milk and when he smoked the next cigarette he started coughing so intensely and my companion and I were like, oh no is this gonna kill him? Don't worry he was alright, he didn't want to finish the cig though he said it was so bitter. So it did work! I asked him if that was his last cigarette ever, and he said yes, for now... oh Barry. We will keep doing the fag milk every time we see him so we'll let you know how that goes. If anyone has any ideas how to help people stop smoking let me know!!

-after we got home from the train in York, we went to our trio's (Martin Wayne and Michaela) for a tea they made us. It was so presh and sweet of them to make us some food. Love them!

-so sister Turvey ordered us a bookcase and dresser from Argos (online catalouge store). So we went and picked it up a few weeks back but never put it together. When we picked it up, we forgot to get the extra box of parts for the bookcase so we had to go back and pick it up. First of all, we probs looked so funny, two girls trying to carry this long box through town. Then we tried to put it together but didn't have any tools so when we went to teach our friend Richard he let us borrow some tools. Catching the bus holding a hammer got me a lot of weird looks, but helped break the ice talking to people if ya know what I mean lol. Haha then sister Pace and I built that bookcase! It's huge! It's a little wonky but we are so proud of it. Boom


- we had interviews this week. I love the Turveys!!! I told Sister Turvey it's not fair President gets assistants, I want to be her assistant! I told her we could even get matching brooches haha. The real assistants gave a great training about gaining spiritual power. They taught us the steps to help us increase that power! It was really uplifting. Here's some of my fav little snippets of the training:

Sister Turvey said, "remember, this is the Lord's work and you are helping Him. Not your work and He is helping you." I think sometimes I feel all this pressure to be perfect and everything depends on me, but really, I am nothing! This is God's work and I am here to be His hands to bless His children. Another thing she said I loved was "we know we are on the winning side-we know how this ends! No one was preordained to fail, we are here to be happy!"

From the assistants: "there's a difference between a prayer and my prayer." I love that. I read an ensign article the other day about prayer, and how when we really pray yo heavenly father and pour our hearts out to him, that we get to spend a moment in heaven. How lovely is that? I love it. I'm grateful for prayer and the strength it gives me every single day !

"You don't set out to build a wall. You start by laying each brick as carefully and perfectly as you can"

-I love my Saviour and Heavenly Father. I feel so privileged to have this time to share this message of happiness and joy to others. Missions are not easy, but I wouldn't want it to be easy! Sometimes it hurts but thats when we know we are growing to become a better person. Everything We are given is for our benefit! Always remember that he HE IS THERE


-exchanges with sister Moedl! She's so cute, it's only her first transfer and she is so good and killing it! She was miss American fork! Boom. She's being trained by my Girl sister dummar (roomie from mtc) so it was fun to be all together!!

-traveled down to pontefract for a blitz with sister ferrin! Love her

-also went to York for a blitz with Tahitian princess sister van bastolaer! York is gorg

-fun lil come, follow me lesson with he Hancock family in our ward, love them!!! The best

Have a good week!! Be happy xxx sister bascom xxx


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