Week 53
-this week was sooo warm! I missed the sun! Today we are riding on a double decker bus with beautiful blue skies heading to Durham as a district. Pics to come next week!! #itsactuallywarm
- got sick this week AGAIN rip. But luckily it was only for two days. #bless
-treated ourselves to a delish north eastern delicacy, parmos.its like a pizza but instead of bread it's chicken, kinda like chicken parmesan without the noodles. Way yum!!! And we also treated ourselves to a Toby carvery meal to celebrate a year in england :) sooo good and I'm so chubby! #ilovetoeat
-watch out everyone, had my first driving lesson in england this week. I already know how to drive, well I thought I did but Karen's car (Wayne and Martins mum) is manual! So ya girl is learning how to drive stick shift in the east of England. Boom yeah Wish me luck #tryinnottocrash
-I was pulling out my laundry from the machine on Saturday night and bonked my head on the corner of the thing that holds the soap and it kinda cracked my head open a tiny bit! I'm okay but it just makes me laugh and feel hardcore lol #boom
- last Monday night, we watched the restoration movie with Martin Wayne and Michaela for family home evening. The next night, Wayne and Martin invited us over to their once a month open Mic night at this random pub in town haha. They said they wrote a song that day about what they believe in about Joseph Smith and called it "Prophet of God." They performed it for us and the other 4 people there, it was legendary. Doesn't mention anything about Joseph Smith but does talk about being in Utah and going to salt lake and repentance, good jam #joiningtheband
- when we got our parmos from across the street where we live, the kebab guy said I look and sound Mexican.... #what
- the baptism on Saturday was wild. Of course something had to go wrong!! the key we had wouldn't open to the bathroom to get into the font to plug the font. So we had to stack chairs and climb in over the top haha #gottadowhatyougottado
- the baptism was so special for Wayne and Martin! Haha after Wayne came out of the water he exclaimed "what a rush!" And Martin immediately had to check that his hair looked okay haha. They were so happy and said they felt so "fired up" Came in suits on Sunday to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost! So special #bros
- Barry is still preparing for baptism haha, he always chuckles and has only a few teeth. But he loves church and gonna see if we can help him stop smoking his "marawanuh" #dontdodrugs
-MLC was great! It was all about catching the vision. Sister Pace and i made a vision for darlo, its so good!!!! I encourage you all to make a vision for your life or whatever you're doing and it will help you so much! #dontletyourdreamsbedreams
-paddy is a nice irish man who spoke to us first! He is soo nice and cheeky. Said he wants to learn more and is taking us out for breakfast this week to learn more! Nice. Said he wishes I was his daughter haha sorry mate #sorrynotsorry
- david and Paul! Our new friends who came to the baptism!!! They are awesome and love church and said they wished they knew all of this stuff sooner!!! They are so awesome #yo
- Raymond and Gary, got a random call after the baptism that this guy we met a few weeks back wanted to meet up because he's Christian too. Haha we met them in Town and talked about the resurrection. They are funny and interesting. Proper lil miracle! #saidweareangels
- hearts melt- Joshua 2:11 ! My heart melts when I think about the gospel and Gods love for us #scripturepower
-1 year! I was at MLC that day in leeds and got to celebrate with sis Richards! How special. We were reminiscing how far we've come! What an incredible, hard, amazing year it's been filled with miracles. Good times :) #3
Love Sister bascom xx