Week 52 - 1 YEAR
England -
- found out this week that Darlington is home to the first trains ever! Wow incredible.
-we have been so crazy busy here! I love it though, this week was just a busy mission life grind!! This area Is the most poppin I've ever been to, it's great. Heavenly father truly is preparing the hearts of people!!!
Funny -
- our lil trio (Wayne, Michaela and Martin) are so hilarious. Teaching them every day, sometimes I feel like we might as well just live there cause we're always there! A few days ago, we were prepping the bros for their interview questions, and before we can say an opening prayer, Michaela ate a lil slice of ham and starts holding her mouth like she's in pain, Wayne tried to open her mouth and pull out the tooth, and martin just disappeared to find pliers. It was so comical and crazy, you had to be there. Finally Michaela pulled out this tiny little piece of tooth and she was fine. Wayne was being dramatic pretending he was going to pass out etc. Then when we went through the actual questions, they gave us the funniest answers and reciting the ten commandments to us. They are all so extra and funny I love them haha. Then, we went and met their mum Karen the same day because she's giving me driving lessons!! Saw the whole fam haha
- wait, there's more. So this weekend was stake conference! We went to the adult session with the trio, and they went right up to president turvey afterwards and proudly declared that they are so excited to get dunked!!!! :O oooooooh. Yeah kinda awk but it was okay. Then for the general session we showed up with another investigator and they were already there, in the very front row ready to hear everything! Hahaa they crack me up.
- besides the craziness with the trio, they really have been able to strengthen their faith and come closer together as a fam. So excited for their baptism this Saturday!
- stake conference was so good! We went with a friend that we walk her dogs for her, and chatting with her in the car we were able to find out some of her concerns and understand where she's coming from better. It was really good!
- zone conference!!! Always good to see friends and get uplifted
- exchange with sister vanBastolaer from Tahiti! She's so fun
-we are teaching this guy named Barry, and his nephew just showed up and wants to come to church too and read the book of mormon! Cool lil miracle
Well everyone, I'm loving life in england!!! Sometimes it feels like this is what I'm going to do for the rest of my life! Hahaa but it's great, wouldn't change it for anything.
Love yous!! Xx sister Bascom