Week 51
- the day before transfers, we realised that sister paki and I are the only drivers in the zone! And we had all these cars to sort out so we drove down to Louth (on the south bank of the Humber river from hull) and then drove back! What a little adventure haha
-started from the bottom now we here! I started my mission in the south of the mission, and at my first zone conference i was the only sister with all the elders that was new! I was so sad and wanted to be up north with my girls! But don't worry I loved where I have served. And now, I'm officially up north in Darlington! Aka dirty darlo haha. I love it here!
-met a guy from our apartment building from Arizona! He couldn't believe it, introduced us to his daughters haha "look girls here's some more Americans!" Hahaa maybe he wants to learn about the gospel we'll see
-after district council in Middlesbrough, we were at bus stop and met an old bloke named joe. Just chatting, and then we got to the bus station and he's like "are you in a rush girls?" We said we had to catch a train but he insisted on taking us out for drinks. Told him we don't drink but he still guided us to a pub and got us lemonades. We listened to him sing us some country songs and then we bounced. It was our lil valentines day date lol
- We walk one of our friends dogs some mornings, and sister pace and I thought we'd climb up this rock climbing thing. Next thing I knew, one of the crazy dogs ran up the rock thing (Idk how, it was really steep and slippery) and then just jumped off!!! Haha it was so funny and sad. Bless Harvey
-We have some friends named Michaela, Wayne (they are married), and Martin (wayne's bro). They are so funny, and always together so we call them the trio of life. Michaela is already a member, but Wayne and Martin are getting baptised on 2 March. Seriously there should be a tv show about them, they crack me up. Wayne is a little bigger and Martin is like the exact opposite of him with slicked back hair and really skinny and loves Elvis. They have a band and play us songs. Wayne was saying how excited he is for his baptise day and grateful for the sacrifice of Jesus' atonement. Love em
- as funny as the trio are, they also are spiritual. They love church and always praying for the apostles and prophets and it's been so fun to teach them this week!
- saying bye to Tina and Liam! She was presh, her last prayer with us was the sweetest and she sent us a friendship poem later that night. Love them
-met this cool guy Simon at his art shop while we were trying to find something for zone conference. He had a lot of good questions, and we went back again yesterday after church and he had a whole list of questions to ask. I was low key super nervous for the lesson when the first thing he brings up was the salt lake temple, but everything went great! He is going to start praying and reading to find his answers boom
-got to go to leeds for a new leader meeting! It was so good. We got instruction from the assistants and the Turveys. So many notes and spiritual impressions I received that day!! I love ELM
-made carbonara for my new comp! Boom haha next up is sister paki's chicken soup
-sister pace!!! She's so cute!!! Love her. We both are Utah girls and proud!!!!
- so sad to say bye to hull and the soup kitchen peeps, but cool thing one of the volunteers wants to meet with missionaries now! I miss the members in hull!!! So many favs there. But the members in Darlington are just as good!!! I'm spoiled!
Life is good! I love the gospel. Catch y'all next time xxxx sister Bascom