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laughing policeman

Makenna Bascom

Week 50


- So every Saturday and Monday night we volunteer at a soup kitchen in a place called queens gardens in town, and right now they have a giant 30 feet tall statue of an angel made out of knives :O it's pretty incredible, trying to promote stopping knife violence. It was cool, when we first saw it there was a bunch of news people and so catch me on your local Hull news

-last p day we also hit up the museum quarter, there's a bunch of free museums with carriages and cars and trains and the guy who abolished slavery in England's house. Neato

-so currently I've been studying for my theory test to get my drivers license. Lol brings me back to drivers ed days rip. wish me luck!!


-at the museum, they had all these old fashioned games for 20pence and so I tried one called the "laughing policeman," popped in the coin and it just lit up and this robot policeman straight up laughed at me for like 1 min straight and my comp and i were like what is going on and then it just stopped. It was so funny. Watch the vid of it


-exchange with sister Farrell, she's so good and even when she was poorly we saw so many miracles one after another. I learned that Heavenly father doesn't have a cap on the blessings we can receive, he's willing to help us achieve our goals but its up to us to work too!

-mini exchange with sister Lee, we helped out at a super cute vintage shop in town (I was thinking of you the whole time Liv you would have loved it)and this guy came up and starts chatting and we low key talk about the gospel and get his contact info and he said he really wants to come to church. And a few days ago, the sisters told us he is scheduled for baptism!!!! Yo sometimes we are led to people and sometimes they are led to us!!! So cool

-after so many months of prayers and faith being strengthened, Edwin from Eastwood said yes to be baptised!!! Feb 23 is his day I'm so happy for him and his fam

-we visited an adorable 91 year old member in her care home, she writes poems and it was so touching to read her testimony of the saviour <3

-our presh friend tina told us that her son liam took the children's book of mormon to school for show and tell and said that going to church and reading the book with his mum is the most special thing in his life. He also drew pictures of Jesus and us and displaying it for the class. UGH I know how adorable is that?! <3 my heart

-last night we were at some of our fav members for tea, and we had been doing companion study/mission prep every week with them to help their son prep for a mission. All he had left to do for his papers was literally take the picture! But he hadn't shaved that morning and his parents jokingly (but probs also seriously) were like go shave so we can do the picture! But he was just chillin, then after we ate he disappeared and we were just chatting with the parents then he came back, clean shaven and asking us which tie to wear for the picture! Haha then he took the picture, and uploaded it and we all pushed the button together to submit his mission papers! It was so special :)

-there was a little ladies who lunch this week for the relief society sisters, and y'all remember Jeanette? She came! And gave us so many bags of clothes haha. And another member brought her neighbour so that was cool too!


-so some sad news, I'm leaving Hull 2!!! :/ I'm so gutted because I just got here! My companion is also leaving. My girl sister Kim is area booking here! This ward is soooo good. The people we are working with right now are so amazing. It's hard sometimes to understand God's timing but I trust in Him! Im heading 72 miles away up to the north of Darlington! I've heard the accent there is crazy ahhhhhh!!!! Excited for new adventures and grateful for the little bit of time I got to spend here in Hull. Biya for now!!!

Sister Bascom xxx


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