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Hull, Sheffield, Leeds, Nottingham

Makenna Bascom

Week 49


-it snowed a lot this week! On our way to Leeds, we got to drive through the snowy countryside. Such a magical dream! We also had a full on snowball fight in the car park after MLC!! Sister Turvey even joined in and was way into it haha. Such fun memories :)

-so sad news. We got a ticket for driving in the bus lane, there's a bus lane right by the chapel that you have to drive in for .2 seconds to get into the church, and there's a camera right there... sneaky blokes :/

- sister Paki and I got some fish n chips from a schwarma shop.... never again. It was so mingin. Leave it to the real chippys to do it right :×

Funny -

- we were driving all over england this week, not really but kinda. Since our zone is so massive geographically, we decided to have our zone p day in Sheffield, it was the easiest place for everyone to get to. It was pretty fun! We had a shloer drinking contest, which was so funny. It was by companionships, sister paki downed hers and I tried gulping mine but it was spilling all over me so I just took one lil sip haha. We also had some other fun games and activities and just spending some good quality time together

-at the soup kitchen on Monday night, a few of us are chatting in a little circle and one of the main guys says, "okay sisters, i've been dying to ask for a long time now...." I'm like okay, what's he gonna say haha. "Tell me about your magic underwear" haha classic. We explained (obvi not in depth) about the temple and they thought it was so special and cool. I felt honoured in that moment that I get to wear "the special underwear"


-MLC! So good. Our zone did so good this past month! We hit all our goals and are ready for another really good month. I think it's amazing how we all work together for such a greater purpose. I loved getting training on the baptismal invitation and how it should be bold, beautiful, and irresistible. Boom! It's good to be reminded as well that even when you aren't seeing the outward success as a missionary, you are still successful if you are doing your best and testifying with the spirit! That's all God asks of us!

-bless me. So everyone thinks I'm musically talented because a lot of my comps have been but that is actually false haha. I got roped into singing a solo for the mission monthly fireside in Nottingham last night, which got broadcasted on Facebook for the entire universe to watch. Yeah, I was terrified. I was sick too so that didn't help. When we got to the stake centre, I tried practicing and I just was so nervous. I felt like such a dummy! But I am so blessed because my cute lil daughter Sister Kim came to me and offered to sing it with me. So we did a lil duet for everyone and it turned out okay. The song itself is pretty presh too, called "He knows me better." It was just a little testimony to me that Heavenly father knows me and is there for me always. Glad it's over though lol!

- we got to teach our friend Sadie this week! And her mum too. her bro is a member and she has been coming to church every week. Yesterday he was in hospital in Manchester but she still came on her own! She has so many amazing questions and we are excited to continue teaching her and helping her gain that faith for herself :)

- our cute friend Tina gave us these adorbs roses and bedazzled bear keychains from her holiday in blackpool. Tbh sister paki and I were kind of losing patience and annoyed with appointments getting flogged and whatnot, but in that moment we were so humbled seeing how much Tina really loves us and how we care about her soooooo much too and just want her to be happy forever! And she is extra happy because she got engaged last week! How presh is that <3

-we had 15 min before a tea appointment and Sister paki had a feeling we should try by a potential in the pins named Carrie. So we pop by, and as we are walking up, two guys leave the house and Carrie is standing right there. Hehe so she had no choice but to talk to us. She really softened once she realized we are the missionaries and it was just such a cool perfect timing moment! Going to visit her again tomorrow!

- we had an amazing church miracle! I was kind of bummed because our people who were supposed to come were poorly and/or didn't show. But, after sacrament I saw that not only did Sadie make it, but so did the pro rubgy player junior and his son! But wait there's more! Junior was telling us after church that he wants us to start teaching his son so he can get baptised !!!! We had prayed for a miracle at church and all I have to say is heavenly father delivers:)


-went on exchange with sister Lafranceschina, and she made me authentic Italian carbonara!!!!!! Soooooo good

-got some yum food in Leeds with a member from hull!

-cute package from my fam!!! Love you guys

-the members here take care of us! We're so spoiled

Love yous!!!! Have a great week xxx sister bascom


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