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The rock, seaside, rubbish, corndogs

Makenna Bascom

Week 48


- we are traveling to Sheffield today for zone p day so if I don't have time to reply to everyone today that's why! Hopefully I'll have more time to email later on:)

- last p day we went to withernsea! Finally got to see the seaside! It wasn't too nice tbh. the water was like brown, and it was really cold. It was the first time and hopefully only time I've ever been to the beach in a coat haha. But it was still majestic to see the ocean for miles and have a picnic and lil photoshoot with my comp on the beach haha

-a returning member taught us how to crochet this week. Let's just say, I'm still perfecting my skills haha. The member was just laughing at us cause we were so hopeless bless by the time sister paki and I started to breakthrough with a little progress, we looked at Karen's hat and it was totally done. Boom

- so I've been sick this whole transfer so far. :/ I was sick, then my comp got really sick, then I got it again this week. Sad but true

-there's a pro rugby player who's Dwayne the rocks cousin in our ward. :O Yeah cool huh we're visiting him this week (the member not dwayne)


- I had to dumpster dive into the rubbish bin outside in the snow to find a less actives t book I had accidentally thrown away when we deep cleaned and decluttered our flat.... my b. It was a miracle it was still there!!

-used the toilet in a really posh members mansion, and got locked in. sadly it's not the first time that's ever happened to me.. I had to knock on the door and finally someone came to save me. Haha

-on exchange and met these kids who were like, "Wow you're from America! Do you know what mcdonalds is? Have you ever had a corndog? Your English is really good" little do they know it's my native language hahaha

- one day, we had three meal appointments - breakfast lunch and dinner. And each person we ate with gave us giant bags of food. Safe to say we rolled away haha too much food. And one of the cute ladies in the ward spoonfed sister paki and I some cough medicine, it was such a Mary poppins moment haha


-we had companionship study with a members family last night to help their son prepare for a mission, it was so fun and cool to practice our skills together and feel the spirit

-so theres a guy who Sister Paki and i met the very first day together, Andy. He didnt seem too bothered but randomly messaged us this week! Miracle. We met with him and he is so cool. He's looking for that peace in life and just wants the best for his family.

-tina and Liam! They are doing great! They got surprised for a little trip to Blackpool this weekend so we only were able to see them a few times. But this week we will continue to teach them and help them prep for baptism :)

-sadie! Her brother is a member and she comes to sacrament every week with him. I thought she'd been taught loads by missionaries, but when we visited her turns out she knows nothing but wants to learn!!!! She's amazing, I'm excited to teach her more about God's plan for us!

-teaching English class at Fox's senior couple! They do an English class every week. At the end of the lesson, my comp and I shared a little message about how families are forever. It was so cute and sweet to see these people, some who are members and some are not, and hear how much their families mean to them, and how through the priesthood that's been restored, we can be sealed with them forever! I'm so grateful for that



-exchanges with Sister Gil-Molinas!! She's fab love her. We also learned how to hula from sister paki so fun

Love y'all. I love England! Being a missionary is hard but so worth it. Have a happy day! Xxx Sister Bascom


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