Week 47
-we had a giant clean-out of our flat and got rid of all the extra stuff and clutter last Monday. Instead of chucking out the old bedding collection we had, we washed them and gave them out to the homeless that night on our way to the soup kitchen. We met a bloke named ivan from Spain, and he loved that we were giving it all to homeless people. He was so sweet, asking if we were going to be safe walking around and even said he'd come to church! So good
- it snowed! Like a teeny tiny bit barely any! But It was so fun to see Sister Paki so excited her first time ever seeing snow! Haha so magical
-i thought the ward genealogy in horbury and Eastwood were confusing, but hull 2 is way complex and like everyone is related haha. Last night we were at a members for tea and they were explaining it all on a piece of paper haha
-there have been soooooooo many miracles here in the ELM!!! Best mission in the universe yo
-went on exchange with the hull 1 sisters, and they brought us some "juicy" face masks from china haha. Sister Paki and I looked so weird because they are meant to fit Asian faces haha good times
-after we had district council, we went to get lunch at a place called Chicken George. It was such a process but the district members insisted on getting it. After a wild goose chase trying to find this place and waiting forever for them to make the food, we realized there is another chicken George location way closer to us. Rip lesson learnt
- so went on exchange with sister Luhimchic from Moldova. We were walking about street contacting, I waved at the woman across the street and she's saying all these things in what I thought was Spanish and so I try to converse and then sister I just starts talking to her and the whole time I'm trying to decipher what language is this? Haha so confused. Turns out sister Luhimciuc can speak Russian and romanian, this woman was from romania and actually wanted to go to church when she goes back to Romania in a few days. Whoa cool huh? I felt so daft tho cause I was trying to speak to her in Spanish smh at me
- We are still teaching our presh friend Tina and her son Liam <3 it was so cute, one day after teaching Tina we went with her to pick up Liam from school, he booked it outta there and ran straight to us for a cuddle! We also went to this little women's shelter with Tina, and sat in for a little chat with some ladies. The woman in charge laid out all these cards of different emotions. The other girls chose words like hate, stressed, depressed, anxious. But Tina choose happy and brave. Then we each got to go around and say how we felt and talk through our emotions ya know. Tina was so presh saying how she feels so happy since coming to church and meeting us and feeling more brave and confident in herself. It was so amazing to see! Made my lil heart so filled with joy for her
-there was a potential in the area book named joe, we met up with him this week for a hot chocolate and stroll around the park. He has an evolution PhD yet he was asking us questions about Adam and eve and the creation and saying how he doesn't know everything but is amazed how we are able to know these things. He's awesome and asked some really good questions! I'm grateful for the plan of salvation that we can know all these answers instead of just always wondering
-our new friend Cathy is so cute! Before the lesson, she gave us a tour of her adorable house! As we were teaching her, it was amazing to share about what happens when we die and everything we said, she'd sit back and smile and say "oh well I'm glad cause thats what i believe too!" Can't wait to teach her again this week!!
-interviews with the turveys! They are my fav!
-hull 2 is so good! Love this ward
-got some posh fish n chips on p day, they were by far the best I've had so far in England. The restaurant even had a chandelier too
-too much gelato (jk never too much)
-exchanges with sister Lee and sister Luhimciuc!!! Amazing missionaries
Love ya! Have a great week my homies
Xxx sister Bascom