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Welcome to Skegvegas

Makenna Bascom

Week 46


-there's a member in the ward, the O'Neills, and we went to theirs for tea, I was looking at the husband and thought, he looks so familiar... turns out there is a mormon message about him!! Haha! Everyone go check out "rescued by Christ" mormon message it's about brother O'Neill!

-in hull, all the telephone booths are white instead of red

-RIP this week we drove out to the boonies of skegness! We thought it'd be a quick drive but it turned out to be a two hour long journey, oops. And since sister Paki turned in her aussie driving license for a british one, i had to drive. It was alright getting there, we went and had weekly planning with the sisters and did a little blitz. They have only six members out there but they are killing it making skeggy come alive!! The locals call it skegvegas haha cause it's a crazy place. But man coming home was traumatic haha. The country roads are so narrow and winding and it's pitch black and every car that passed i braced myself holding my breath in case we went off the side of the road into a ditch or crashed. my hands hurt from gripping the steering wheel so hard the whole time lol. If i can survive that drive, i can survive anything. I'm so grateful heavenly father protected us that night! Cause this American girl is still getting used to the strange English roads haha. Bless me

- we did some service helping clean a members new sandwich shop. Presh! Oh yeah, and we helped serve some homeless people dinner at a soup kitchen last Monday night fun


-went on exchange with my girl sister ferrin! Everyone thought we were literally sisters because we were straight twinning with the same coat, hat, and bag lol. We talked to this lady who was passing out flyers for a new Turkish pizza place, so we thought we'd treat ourselves and go haha

-while on exchange with sister ferrin, we met a new investigator who looks EXACTLY like my high school English teacher Mr Durham. Weird but true

-another member looks just like my 9th grade biology teacher Mrs Hinckley. Like what is going on here


- so so many miracles!!! It was amazing. It was so cool to plan the training for zone conference and see how the Lord guided us to know what we need to train on. We trained on the restoration of our confidence and having confidence in myself, my companion, and my saviour. I felt the spirit so strongly as we were testifying of the restoration and remembering why we're here on missions.

- courage is an external force, we gain it from the support of others whether it be from family, friends, and God

-exchange miracles are so real! Sister Ferrin and I had a proper good day finding luke (aka mr Durham) and a former dawn! It was so cool to be led to them. Luke was saying he would believe things from God if it came from a book, I pulled out the book of mormon and we got chatting haha. And dawn investigated over a year ago, but wasn't too sure about it all. She's willing to give it another go this time and see what knowing about heavenly father can do for her. I'm grateful for missionaries planting seeds!!!

-Wow okay y'all ready for one of the most spirit filled days of my mission? So on Saturday, we went to teach our friend Jeanette (the one who just randomly showed up last week to church and loves it). We get chatting and she basically says she wants to get baptised, just needs to stop smoking. So we used a little pathway to happiness (what our mission uses sometimes to schedule people for baptism) and helped her set a goal to stop smoking! And then she adds in, and get baptised!!!!!! It was so amazing. She said she's been praying and thinking about it for about 6 or 7 years, and knows it's what she needs to do and wants that fresh start! What what so cool march 2!!

- but then, straight after that, we went to our friend Tinas. I'm not sure if I mentioned her last week but she is a mum with a little boy named Liam. We went and taught them about the plan of salvation! It was so cute, they both loved it so much and sister paki had an illustration of the plan and they saved the pic and put it as their wallpaper on their phones hehe. We weren't planning on scheduling her, but right when I was starting to kind of close the lesson, I just instinctively pulled out the pathway. I told her that she will feel the most happy as she applies these things we've told her and comes to church! I can't remember everything I said but then led it into baptism and asked her if shed want to have that gift herself! Ahhh it was so amazing and powerful. I love moments like that! Sister Paki and I were so chuffed that Tina and her son Liam have the chance to come closer to Christ! They came to church yesterday and absolutely loved it!!!! Ahhhhh happiness!!! Feb 9 is their day!!


-seeing all my companions at zone conference besides my trainer (miss you girl xx) sister Kim and I cried so happy to see each other

- the assistants recorded a song called Holy spirit it's so good me and sister pakis new jam

- finding blitz with little miss sunshine sister gamil!!! She is so happy and we just giggled away as we found some fun interesting peeps in skeggy haha

- Jeanette gave us a bunch of sparkly clothes and food bless her so nice

-the O'Neills made us chicken Alfredo pasta for tea. Needless to say, I was so happy

-i ate too much gelato oh well haha

- sister paki and I both love to dance so we did some dancing for our exercise the other day and it was so lovely

Thanks everyone for reading and if you don't it's alright I know how it goes, I went through a phase where I didn't read anyone missionary emails for like a year haha. I just like the pics! Anyways, keep in touch and know I send me love to y'all. Have a fab week!

Xx Sister Bascom xx


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