Week 45
Well lads and lasses, buckle up cause it's going to be a wild ride!
-happy New year!!! We stayed the night in Eastwood, went to bed at 10.30 and slept through everything lol. Some members had us over new years day and made us Czech dumplings, oh it was soooooo delish. I was reading my good close friend Sister Richards email this morning and she said it feels like March 2018, how is it Jan 2019? Amen sista, I feel like i'm in my own little time warp in England right now
-it was sad to say good bye to my little trio with sister Farrell and sister kim, especially sister Kim:( she's such an amazing missionary and I absolutely adore her! She's gonna kill it in Eastwood :)
-but good news is..... they combined Nottingham and hull zones into one zone, the Humber and Wash zone! (Apparently the Humber and the Wash are rivers/bays in our area, just some English geography for ya). So, I get to go on exchanges still with all the sister's in Hull and Nottingham! I'm pretty chuffed
-i am now serving in Hull 2 ward! And they are proper great. So missionary minded! I'm excited to be here, there's so many people to work with and alot of potential! Not only that, but we got a car!!!!!! The zone leaders are now in Nottingham, so we got the hull zone leaders car. I didn't think I'd drive in England, but ya girl can now drive on the left side of the road. It's so lovely to have a car wow. But the roads are really narrow and parking is a struggle and so many roundabouts! But I ain't complaining! We love Serenity :) (our car)
-Hull is right by the sea side and the Humber river. There's a giant bridge that I saw on my train ride here, incredible. I just love england and seeing all these things! It's very flat and really industrial. I'm not going to lie, the road layout here is crazy Idk how to explain it but It's a hull lot of fun!
-we went and visited sister Leslie in Eastwood one last time on new years day. She had her sparkling jumper on and we snuggled under her heated blanket she got for Christmas. I'm gonna miss that lass
-we were driving home from MLC in Leeds on Friday night, we were almost home and stopped at a stop light. Suddenly, the car in front of us backed into us! :O it happened so fast we didn't know what was happening. And you know what makes it worse? We were on the phone with President Turvey when it happened. RIP! But it was okay, the people were so worried and we kept saying it's okay, we will sort it out! Serenity did get a few little cracks, bless her. But the coolest part about it all was Sarah, the passenger in the car, started asking us questions why we're here in england and we got her contact info and she wants to try out the addiction recovery program at the church! Man if she gets baptised, what a proper cool miracle lol.
- the mingin flat... Enough said haha frightening
-ive gained a lot of respect/appreciation for my past sister training leaders/leaders in general. WOW!!! the first week our phone was ringing and we were calling people all day long. I swear like every single person in the mission we had to call lol. There's a lot of planning and organizing and driving around so it was feeling kinda weird to not be out preaching all day ya know.
- Im just so grateful for heavenly father for helping us out even when things go crazy! One day we literally only had 10 minutes to find, and we still were able to meet some new friends Andy and Nikki! Such a blessing
-got to go to my first MLC! Fun to see some friends and talk about increasing urgency in the work! I'm excited for this upcoming transfer!!! It's going to be crazy busy but so Fun! I also like being in the loop of everything, it was cool to counsel together and be able to voice about how I hope to help the missionaries in our mission.
-i got a cute letter/package from my Chrisie grandma, with printed out pictures of a picture my great gma pat painted of Jesus Christ! I cried it was so sweet, I really needed it that day. I know that my family members on both sides of the veil are there for me cheering me on. Thanks to everyone for all your support, the packages letter and emails it means the world to me!!!
-we had some proper miracles this week! Since everything was crazy this week with transfers and loads of missionaries coming and going and some were poorly, Sister Paki and I were asked to teach some lessons for the Hull 1 ward. It was incredible to teach Bekki and Alex, they were both so prepared and hilarious and amazing to see their faith grow even though I had just met them. Amazing!
- we also had a friend named Jeanette show up to church yesterday unexpectedly, she just felt like she needs to start coming again! Wow! We got to teach our friend tina, whos so cute and lovely and really feels happy especially when she reads the book of mormon and tries praying. And another bunch of cool stories but not enough time to type, sorry
-trousers!!! I wasn't too keen at first but now I really want some. We are going shopping right after this to go get me some. Stay tuned!
-we have a rockin district! It's fun to be with some of my pals from my original district in the mtc! And we have an awesome senior couple in the ward who fed us breakfast before district council! Am I in a dream? So good!
-sister Paki!!!! Enough said. She's incredible. We celebrated her 9 months mark in leeds at 5 guys. What a treat
LOVE ya!!! Sorry this is so long! Hope you get the jist of my life!! Xxx xxx sister bascom