Week 44
Yeah I can't wait for 2019!!!! It's gonna be a rockin year!! This week was crazy but every week on the mission is cray
- on Christmas eve morning I dyed sister kims hair!!! I did pretty good tbh haha
- Christmas eve was spent partying it up with some Latinas from the ward. Muy bien so fun!!
-we got to watch the queens speech on Christmas, it was so cute! Cute to see her all dressed up festive and talking about the reason for the season
-we got two days off last week! Christmas day and boxing day (day after Christmas) were non proselyting days. It was strange to just be chillin around! I love being busy and doing missionary work so it was kinda weird for me but still nice
- so on Wednesday night, we got a call that we would become a trio for a few days before transfers with sister Farrell in Nottingham 2 ward because her companion was going home the next day, but they had a baptism on Saturday so we went went over to her area to help get everything ready. It was so fun to be a lil trio! Sister Farrell is great and it was so special to see her friend Duane enter the waters of baptism :)
- some members played us some Elvis hymns nice haha
-on Christmas Eve, we were walking around, walked by a pub and said Merry Christmas, and these blokes respond in the deepest most menacing voice ever "Merry Christmas ducky" haha so unexpected
-on Christmas eve, the zone leaders delivered the gifts and packages for us from our families, it was so funny cause they rolled up in elf and Santa costumes. They are the craziest funniest twins ever
-on boxing day, we still had district council and afterwards did a white elephant exchange. Sister Kim and I got quality gifts for it, but the elders literally gave us their rubbish from their packages! Haha smh
-so Duane who got baptised on Saturday, wanted to get some carrot cake for the refreshments after his baptism. So we popped into Tesco on Friday night and picked it out, then we went to his house and he gave us all his boxes of alcohol so he doesn't get tempted to drink. It was so incredible to see him so bravely and humbly give it up, we kept promising him how the sacrifice is so worth it for all the blessings!! Luckily he lives super close to the church, we probs looked so dodgy toting those into the bishops office haha
-right before we were heading into Nottingham, we were street contacting to the bus and stopped a lady and had a little chat. It was amazing! Her name is Lisa and she has been through alot but so grateful to meet sisters and when we gave her the book of mormon she asked us to sign it! It was so cute and happy
- Duanes baptism! I just met Duane the night before he got baptised, but man he is proper awesome! It was such a privilege to be a part of his special day! He kept saying how lovely it was to be clean and he was absolutely beaming when he received the gift of the Holy Ghost. I love being a missionary!:)
- Christmas day and boxing day were so lovely with members! I'm so grateful for the ward for taking care of us. And I loved being in a trio right next to our area, everyone is related and knows each other so it was a fun time being in notts 2
-nathan (recent convert) is in england!!!! We were doing comp study on last Sunday night I think it was and we got a call from him?! He is in Georgia the country so we were so confused but he was in Eastwood back for christmas! We got to see him and pop into Ikea for our traditional English breakfast!
-talking to my family!!!! Ahhhh highlight of my year ;) i love them. So grateful I get to be with them forever! They thought my English phrases and accent were posh hehe
- I'm leaving Eastwood!! And going to be a sister training leader in hull with sister paki! She served in nottigham before and I'm stoked to be with her! Rumor has it I'll be driving??? Stay tuned.... oh yeah, and joyful because now hull is combined zones with Nottingham so ill get to go on exchange with all my sisters in both stakes!!!! I can't wait :)
Love you! Happy new year!!!!!! Catch ya in a HULL new place next year! Lol bye xxx sister bascom