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appy olidays

Makenna Bascom

Week 42


-english people don't really say the "h" at the beginning of words haha

- lately we have had the worst luck with buses. We'll wait forever at a stop, and finally decide okay this is a waste of time let's just start walking to the next stop. Then two seconds later the bus zooms past and then there's not another one for an hour. :') life of the mish

-i thought it was cold before. But the last few weeks have been BITTER. Like one day we were out and knocked on our friends door and sister kim was like, your nose. I couldn't feel it cause it was absolutely numb, but I guess it was running haha. Probs gross but oh well now you know

- also, england rains a lot. I guess I should probably be used to it but I just get so soaked every time it rains. I've started putting my copies of the book of mormon and pamphlets in plastic covers so they don't get ruined. Sis is so cute always dry with her lil brollie. I love the rain though!!

- last Sunday, we were at a members for lunch after church. She asked us if we wanted Some pancakes, and ever since my companion discovered pancakes she has made pancakes every morning. She said she will keep making them every day until she gets sick of them hehe

- the other day we went to help out a sister in the ward who was poorly, she had over 40 presents to Wrap and so that was some fun little service we got to do this week:)

Funny -

-sister Kim and I got matching olaf (from frozen) jammies. We're thinking about wearing them today for our Christmas social hehe fun

- we also got matching Christmas jumpers with the district, last week we wore them to district council and also did some Christmas crackers with prizes and jokes inside them. Fun times i love Christmas!

- last week, I had one of those not good very horrible unlucky days. Well, it wasn't really that bad, but my boot broke and had to super glue it back together, and while waiting for a bus, a bird pooped right on me head! Rip it was a funny day tho

-a few days later, while waiting at the same bus stop (dangerous with so many lil birdies) sister Kim got a lovely lil surprise poop on her head too! Bless us


- I've been memorizing the living Christ this week - wow!!! Its so good check it out. I'm so grateful for my Saviour

-had quite a few cool miracles finding people/ getting in touch with former investigators. One lass I think I told about last time, Maggie whom we met on the bus. When we went to teach her a few days later, she just said how grateful she is that we met and how she just felt so strongly that she needed to let us come by and visit. I just love teaching, sometimes I feel like all I do on my mission is find find find so its such a joy to get to have solid lessons with people. Sadly, she kinda dropped off the face of the earth :/ but we'll keep trying and seeing what's up

-urgency!!!! I have done my best to really be so urgent in everything I do, and it is amazing! I've had one of the best weeks so far and its all cause of my attitude. I promise ya, if you feel down or blah, just make little goals and commit yourself to do your best and let God take care of the rest. He's so good to me!

- yesterday we found so many cool people! Met Graeme on the bus, with a cool beard and mustache, he told us "you know what, what do I have to lose by trying out your church. In fact, I have everything to gain!" Amen!!! Also met a way cool girl named Sophie who's back home for Christmas but lives in Dubai and even goes to a Christian church there! Another cool thing was trying by a less active in our pins, but turned out to be the wrong house but we were able to set up at return appointment with our new friend dawn! Coolio yo

Joys -

- visiting the cute members in our ward, they are so old and funny. Love em!!!! Especially sister Leslie (Scottish grandma who lives next to the church) gave us a bunch of Christmas treasures hehe

-Ana (ward member) made us some Venezuelan arepeas yummy

- sister Kim and I made Korean food for Edwin and Alicia fam, and another family in the ward! It was pretty fun, I did pretty good at chopping the carrots lol

- somebody sent us these cute secret Santa Cadbury chocolate packages!!!! Whoever you are, thank you!!!!!!!!

Hope you all have a happy and lovely holiday season!!!! Love you all and merry Christmas! Don't forget to light the world!

Xxx sister Bascom :)


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