Week 41
A quote to begin my lil message to the world:
"Life begins every morning. Life begins when we begin. Or real lives begin when we determine to live by every word of the Lord"
-we've been helping to teach a member who only speaks Spanish some English, it's so fun! I'm remembering all my Spanish that I learned so long ago, shoutout Mr Atkinson and Mr Cooper haha. Good times
-we have the funniest/preshest members here. Every first Monday of the month, some members take us food shopping at lidl. The wife, sister Smith, was so cute telling us her plan for her sacrament meeting talk. Speak the first three minutes, sing the last two min. Sadly she lost her voice so she couldn't sing :/ she's so cute
- on saturday, our district thought we'd light the world and so we set up a table in Nottingham city centre and wanted to give out free hot chocolate but it didn't work out to do that but we had a bunch of mince and apple pies. You'd think everyone would be chuffed to get some free pies but literally everyone declined!! Haha it was kinda funny and sad. Rip. We wrapped some copies of the book of mormon and gave those out too, as little gifts. Light the world!
- one of our friends has 27 bunnies. She used to have 47. amazing
- so many cool moments this week! I'll tell ya about a few
-I realised this week that my ability to truly love people as Christ did has increased incredibly! Of course i am still working on it, but looking back and seeing that I have grown to love these people in Eastwood so much! I'll be honest, sometimes I think, "once I'm home I'm going to do this" or "if only this blah blah was different then I could be successful." But you know what!!!! Things aren't going to magically get easier once you get home from your mission! Probs get harder to be real haha. I made a commitment to myself to not worry about the future or wish away the time I get to cherish now. Why not make every second that you have right now good? Life is about having experiences, so make sure you really are experiencing it all :)
- got to have interviews! It was great to chat with President and Sister Turvey. They are so good! We also had a 5 hour long training from the zone leaders! Wow. Basically going over everything we do in missionary work, about the preach my gospel progression pathway. It was super good! I'm glad I can keep pushing forward and getting that direction to help with this gathering. We all felt the spirit soo strongly as we were setting goals as a zone. such a cool moment!
- last night, we were heading to visit a less active. I was a smidge bit nervous cause the buses are very infrequent Sunday nights so i was worried to miss the buses we had to take. But it all worked out (thank you Heavenly Father) and started talking to Maggie and luke at the bus stop. we all got on the bus and keep on talking with them. They even walked us to where we needed to go and Maggie was texting us last night saying she wants to learn more! Excited to teach her this week!!! Miracles yo
- Susan from Horbury visited and we caught up and got hot choc <3 love her so much! It's amazing to see her change and so much happier in the gospel.
- celebrating Edwins wife Alicias birthday! They invited us for a little surprise and I thought a bunch of friends and family would be there but it was just us! We were so honoured, they love us and we love them. :)