Week 40
-its spooky, gets dark here at 4 pm. Hello winter rip haha
-ladies and gentlemen, our washing machine is fixed! Blessed so grateful. Will never take having a working washer for granted again!
-the zone leaders asked me to be in charge of doing some skits for zone p day, haha. I copied my idea from FHE in Jerusalem lol, where we were at the sea of Galilee on thanksgiving and did skits based on a situation, location, and phrase. Oh it was so funny! We each did them with our districts, and the situation and location my district randomly got was someone getting pooped on be a bird at the eyebrow threading salon. We were laughing so hard because that was actually our life, that happened to us haha! Too much fun
-so after the zone p day last Monday, we had a zone fireside. After it ended, sister Kim and I were scurrying home to get back in time, and the fastest way to get back by 9 was to catch a tram into Nottingham city centre and then a bus. So we are trying to follow Google maps and it is so hard to follow and it leads us into these woods! It was a bit dodgy cause it was pitch black and we had no idea where we were being led to. But heavenly father was watching out and made sure we didn't get kidnapped, and we made it to the tram in time. Such an adventure
-on exchange this week, we met some college kids and they were so hilarious, showing us their dance moves and singing some hallelujah praises haha made me day
-we had another zone fireside and it was all about falling in love with the process. Missionary work is a process! But if you think about it, everything in life is a process. The restoration of the gospel was a process, didn't just happen all at once it took time. Same with translating the book of mormon, and even the pioneers crossing the plains was a process. I love the process! Even when you're out knocking doors in the pouring freezing rain, it's part of the process to find people to teach. When investigators are slowing progressing, I have to remember, conversion is a process! #theprocess
-i got to go on exchange with my MTC companion sister Richards! Ahhhhhhh it was sooooooo fun and joyful! I loved it. It was her first exchange as sister training leader, and our 9 month (halfway) mark! How special. It was absolutely pouring rain and we were just little wet chicken nuggets feeling so much joy! Let's just say we were so happy to be together and have come a long way from just handing out 3 mormon.org cards in Manchester back in the mtc :)
-zone conference!!!!! Boom. So good. I really want to be better at identifying peoples fruits and resolving their concerns about the gospel/church. We got a lot of wonderful and edifying training how to do that! Also, sister turvey showed a clip of "this is me" from the greatest showman, let's just say my girls sis Richards and dummar all looked at each other and smiled/cried lol. I also did my first musical item, kinda got dragged into it but it turned out okay. We sang "saviour, redeemer of my soul." At least I didn't have to do a solo! And it was the best hearing sister kim's testimony, I love hearing her share her testimony because it so powerful, real, sincere and makes you cry. She's so good!!
-hey everyone! Light the world! It's December and Christmas is coming! Go online and watch the videos and promise you will feel happy. I love Jesus
-yesterday during fast and testimony meeting, the Preston temple President and his wife were there (Eastwood is their home ward). It was great to hear President and Sister Rigby's testimonies, wow. They are so spiritual and it was exactly what i needed to hear. We all are children of God! He hears your every prayer. Im so grateful for that!
-we hadn't been able to see our presh Ecuadorian family much last week, but we got to visit them last night and every time we teach them I just feel the spirit soooo much! The dad Edwin was telling me how he loves the energy we bring and he knows that we will keep teaching him and showing him God's word to help his family. Ahhh! We are excited to start helping teach their daughter English (only speaks spanish) so if any of you that speak Espanol wanna give me some tips let me know!!!
-so last week we had a miracle, a couple just walked up to church last Sunday. What So awesome. We taught them a bit during church and they were chuffed to learn more. It was kinda interesting because they don't just live in Eastwood, they live in a little village far away so I was asking them how they found out about church? But didn't really get a straight answer. Then we were gone the beginning of the week and went to their house on Friday. We show up and they made this extravagant meal of Chinese food, and their house is so cute all decorated for Christmas. Im thinking, yes! So excited to teach these people. We blessed the food and I was expecting to have a nice lil convo to warm up and get to know each other but boom before I even take my first bite the wife starts going off! At first I thought it was a good thing, she was saying they were lead to the church for a reason, but then she starts saying negative things about Joseph Smith and how the book of mormon isn't true and all these things. Whoa! Sister Kim and I were shook. I felt so sick to my stomach as I'm trying to keep it non contentious, it was awful as she just roasted us telling us how wrong we are to believe all these things. They said they did their "research" online from an account from an excommunicated bishop and basically, they felt led to our church to save US! It was so intense. We barely got any words in and finally I just said, "thanks for the food, we need to leave now. Can we say a prayer before we go?" I said the prayer and immediately all the bad feelings left and we peaced out. Sister Kim and I both cried right after lol, we were sad that they had set us up! But you know what, my testimony of the restoration and about the book of Mormon is even stronger now. I know what I know, and no one will ever take away the feelings and experiences I've had that have helped me know that Jesus Christ is my saviour and this is his church.
-sister Richards and sister gamil are in my zone!!!! I'm so happy and we were just giggling so much. Im sure lucky to have met so many good friends in the mission.
-went to London on my 9 months! Lol jk it was a pub called London inn in Stamford. Close enough. Sis Richards and I got some yummy chicken to celebrate!
-we got in contact with so many less actives this week and they were soooooo kind to us! Like so willing to drive us and feed us and wow. So nice. Love em
-got a cute lil Christmas goodie bag from Rachel (Gary's mum). She's so sweet!
Happy holidays!!!! Hope you all feel merry and bright :)
Love, Sister Bascom xxx