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swans and foxes

Makenna Bascom

Week 38

England -

-I forgot my lil notebook that I write the happenings for the week at our flat, so I'll do my best to remember the deets for ya!

-so update on our washing machine, it still doesn't have a door.. After a week of hand washing our tights and Gs, some members found out and insisted we use their machine haha. So this morning in the sprinkling rain, we caught a bus and brought all of our dirty laundry in our suitcases and lugged them to the next town over to a members house lol. This is our trial haha jk but for reals hopefully it'll be fixed this week!!!

Funny -

-during a first lesson this week, we showed the first vision video. You know the part where the choir is singing and Joseph is heading into the woods and its getting all special and spiritual? Right then Raymond (who we're teaching) exclaimed so loudly, "what are they, Amish or something?" Haha and then his wife was like, "oh I wish I lived in those days" haha. At the end of the lesson, Sister Atkinson said the prayer (we were on exchange) and Helen (the wife) kept saying "oh yes!" Whenever she would say "bless this family..." hahaha fun

- we asked the bishop for his really delish cookie recipe, and were really excited because we had just gotten new ginger bread men cookie cutters and wanted to make them for district council with President and Sister Turvey. Sister kim made the dough and i was in charge of putting them in the oven. I used the cookie cutters and they looked so cute and nice, and then when I took them out of the oven, they were sooooooooooooo incredibly chubby I was dyin, they looked like the pbs kids tv show boobah hahaha but they were really yum so it's okay

- missionaries are so weird! We had a zone p day last Monday, and the zone and Sister training leaders had some activities planned. The first one was pouring custard into people's mouths and guess who the district chose to dump it on.... lol ya me! But then, the next game was drinking orange juice out of a (clean) sock. Blah! And then some whipped cream catching game and then there was something to do with flour that just ended in a flour fight. We all were so gross, covered in custard and orange juice and flour ew. Haha gotta get entertainment somehow on p day lolol.

Spiritual -

- this week was filled with so many miracles the first one was scheduling our friend Gary for baptism!!! His mum is a member and wants to help him get on the right path. When we were talking about baptism, he was saying how he wants to have that priesthood authority, and go to the temple! So for him baptism is the obvious first step to get to those next steps in the future! Excited for Gary to get baptised December 7!!!!

-having district council with the Turveys! President is so inspired and like the next level up of incredible missionary.

- teaching our cute Spanish speaking friends Edwin and Marias fam the restoration! The spirit was so strong and after we were teaching about Joseph Smith, Edwin opened up and told us a super cool and spirtual experience that he had a few years back, and how ever since he's been coming to church and meeting with us it reminds him of that experience and how it must be a sign! It was seriously such a cool story and sister Kim and I are so grateful that we have the honour of teaching their family about Christ's restored gospel

- one day, sister Kim had a goal to speak to every single Asian she saw. We were on the bus and this lil Chinese gma was in front of us and she talked with her, and the lady invited us over! It was awesome, she made us fried rice and introduced us to her son Kenny and we got to low key teach them and it was such a cool lil miracle! Hopefully they'll be coming to church next week!

-i know I had loads of other cool experiences this week but I can't remember! Any other really noteworthy things I'll mention next week:)

Joys -

- going on exchange in Eastwood with sister Atkinson and Keung! Love em

- sisters meeting and slumbie in Eastwood (in our posh flat ;) with all the sistas in Nottingham

-a member gave sister Kim and I little jumpers with swans and foxes on them, presh

- my girl sister Richards is coming to be my sister training leader!!!!! And sister gamil is coming to Nottingham zone!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhh I'm so excited to be with them!!!!

- Sister Kim and i will be together for another transfer! Yay love her. Same with my district, we're all staying! So excited for Christmas! Hope you all have a fab thanksgiving!

love y'all, Sister Bascom xxx


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