Week 37
England -
-this week we celebrated remembrance day! In England, everyone wears poppies on November 11 to remember those who fought in the wars. So this past week we got to help sell some more poppies! It wasn't too busy, so we got to become pretty tight with the people we were selling them with, Rita and John. Their life stories were amazing, and they told us the symbolism of why poppies, because poppies only grow where ground has been disturbed. So even though bad things happen to us in life and it feels like all is lost, there's still beauty that can grow. How cool!? They even gave us a lift to the neighboring village and blasted we will rock you... haha awk
- we also started helping out doing service at a charity shop this week! You know it gave me so much joy to help organize all this random stuff and set it all up and put out the Christmas decor and stuff out!!! Ah i can't wait for the holidays!!!!
Funny -
- last Monday, we had a district p day. The elders were in charge of organizing an activity, and told us we were going bowling. But before that, they wanted to get their eye brows threaded haha. It was so funny to see a bunch of elders almost cryin getting their eyebrows looking on fleek at this tiny middle eastern salon haha. Then we went bowling and I got thee lowest score Ive ever gotten, 35. Wow. it's cause they wouldn't let me get bumpers :/
- so we have had so many visitors to our flat this week: electrician and plumber for the boiler and heater, landlord, the washing machine repairman to fix our washer, the senior couple who's over Nottingham zone to measure windows and put up blinds, etc. Ugh haha and it took a lot of time. But one funny/cool thing that happened is the electrician came to fix the heater, and randomly brought his wife. Sister Kim and I kinda were like, ahhh what do we do, but we just had her sit down and started talking to her and she was asking us loads of questions about missionary work and admiring the Jesus picture collage we have on the wall. I gave her a plan of salvation pamphlet and just low key taught her a bit in our flat lol. It was funny and random lol
- so there's a sweet shop on the high street in Eastwood, and the owner always drives by us and shouts "hey sisters! Come get some sweets!" Not sure if he always acts like he's drunk or if that's just his personality. Anyways, we popped by and he gave us the most sour candy I've ever eaten! But then he gave us some more sweets and sister Kim and I were so hyper the rest of the day. Thanks Pete
- our washing machine door broke! With my clothes wet inside :/ And they were trapped in there for like 4 days rip. Luckily our next door neighbor re washed them for me. Thanks Doreen. Currently there isn't a door on it right now lol, waiting for it to get repaired. We've been hand washing our clothes this week in the tub haha
- my recent convert Nathan is leaving to Georgia (the country)! Sad to see him go because he's such an asset to the ward, but know he's going to do so good over there!!
Spiritual -
- read d&c 67:10. It's a privilege to be ordained to this ministry!! <3
- the other day we were walking along and the bishops wife pulled up and was like, "get in I'll give you a ride." I hopped in the front seat, and sister Kim got in the back. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sister Kim open the car door and the same moment a car zoomed by, Idk how she didn't get run over tbh it looked like she should've been hit. Sister King and I just looked at each other and gasped, wow. Missionaries really are protected!!!
-there's a semi active mum in the ward who really struggles, she'll call us all the time and tells us wackadoodle stuff and sometimes i don't really know what to say to help her feel better. But she told us she has been repenting every hour and can feel the atonement changing her life. The other day she called us saying she just got custody of her son and he wants to learn more about our church! Wow!!!! He's the coolest 13 year old. When we went to teach him, I asked him what makes him want to learn more and he said that what really interests him is the baptism..... what okay awesome!! Haha his mum got so excited, she was like "ahhh! Let me sing at your baptism!!" He is loving church too. Pray for Gary James that he can keep preparing for baptism!!
-and of course, here's the update on our cute Ecuadorian fam. With crazy schedules we didn't really get to see them this last week. We had an fhe on Monday, which was really special and spiritual, talking about families being together forever. We brought them cookies one night, and wrote a lil note in spanish (thanks Google translate). We've started teaching them and they love God so much, it was inspiring to hear Edwins (the dad) testimony about his faith and how he wants to support his daughter and come to church every sunday and you can just tell his daughter (the one that's a member) is so chuffed that he wants to learn more. He just kept thanking us for teaching them and being so nice, giving us native Ecuador food. Ahhh I just love their familia!!!! I can't wait to continue teaching them! It's so incredible to see my baby Sis Kim teach them, she is practically fluent in English but to hear her testify is so powerful, it's amazing to see how it doesn't matter if you speak English, Korean, Spanish, the gospel is the same and the spirit will always touch our hearts. How incredible is that!?!?!!
Joys -
-i feel like most of the things that give me joy during the week have to do with food lol. Like sister Kim making me Korean food :)

Have a blessed week!!! Xxx Sister Bascom