Week 36
-every 5 November (tonight) in England is called bonfire night. Idk why exactly some historical thing this guy tried to blow up parliament but the past few days every night poeple go crazy and seeing off fireworks. It's been pretty fun to walk about and see all the fireworks, boom
- they aren't to keen on Halloween here, but don't worry we still celebrated at the ward trunk or treat. My comp and I dominated at donut on a string. Sister kim was Toto and i was Dorothy hehe
-we had fhe at a members on Monday night, we played this jelly bean game where you spin the thing and have to risk getting either a yummy jelly bean or a gross one. It was so hilarious playing it with some gmas and gpas, they were so shocked to get squid or snot flavoured ones. It was so funny/presh, we all got some good and bad ones
- so many strange interactions with people, Idk how to even explain it but had some funny strange encounters with people. Bless Eastwood lol! It's wild
-one day we were speed walking to an appointment and I saw this worker guy in the front garden down the street and immediately just walked to him. We started talking and found out his dad had passed away two days before, and he's been rethinking everything about his life and believes in the afterlife now. It was a cool conversation with him and he said it was no coincidence that we stopped to talk, he knew we were sent from God. So cool that Heavenly Father will guide us and help us be at the right place in the right time
- so yesterday before church, we pop by our friends to walk with them there. Sadly, none of them could make it, and when i was walking to church i just was thinking, ugh! I'm doing everything I can for these people, but they have their agency. But for some reason, I just thought, ya know it's all gonna work out. When we walked into church, the bishops wife motioned us over. a whole FAMILY was there visiting for the first time. The daughter lived in Ecuador and just moved here, she's a member and brought het dad and step mum and kids to church to try it out!!!!!!! The dad was telling me how he wants to support his daughter before she goes on a mission and They are excited to embrace the gospel and learn more! Its great because they mainly speak Spanish, and there are several families in the ward who speak Spanish, some of which are also from Ecuador! It was awesome because all the members who speak spanish bore their testimonies in spanish! During sacrament meeting, all I could think is just "thank you thank you thank you heavenly father!" This is what I've been praying for the past few months! It's amazing how Heavenly Father places little miracles and I want to do all I can to help this family have the gospel in their lives.
-Another miracle we had yesterday was after church, going by a friend's house that didn't wake up for church and see how they're doing. His mum answered and let us in, we started having a discussion with her and her son (who was wanting to go to church yesterday). As we were talking, we found out that she has been to our church before and met with missionaries and even prayed to know if the Book of Mormon was true and got her answer that it is true!!!!! WHATTTTTT Sister Kim and I were shocked! We are going to give her and her son a chapel tour this week and help them learn more of the restored gospel!
- going to lunch in notts with Jose!
- going to wollaton hall (the mansion from Batman) with the district and seeing all the taxidermy there. Its like an old fashioned bean museum lol
-going to beauvale priory with Nathan, and getting some herbal tea presh

The mission is quite the roller coaster!!! But I love it. Habe a great week loves xxx Sister Bascom