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Off to robin hood's land!

Makenna Bascom

Week 26

Hey my friends and fam! Wow i just gotta say, all my cute friends getting married and going to college and getting home from missions. I love ya. Stay presh and send me pics and I'll try not to cry lol. Sorry this email is gonna be shortish, maybe a smidge long but here's some highlights.

My week was fab! The weather has gotten a bit cooler and more rainy. Rip its been the best English summer since 1976. Haha one day we were waiting at a bus stop, and it was raining but the sun was out. I told sister gamil that my dad would always say that that means it's a monkey's bday, lol. She told me that in the Philippines when it's rainy and sunny, it means two frogs are getting married. We get on the bus, and sis starts telling this gma about how we say it's a monkey's birthday and frogs marriage hahahaha she was so confused and looking at us and we all were laughing it was hilar.

Another thing that made me die laughing, we were in a tiny village and waiting for another bus and this lady keeps walking by back and forth across the street, we waved at her each time and then the bus never came so we just started walking and saw her again and went over to talk and her little grandson looked concerned, the lady looked at sister Gamil and was like, "oh my grandson was confused, he kept asking if you were his Chinese teacher because you kept waving at us" HAHA

We were in Wakefield and decided we needed a lil treat, so we asked some girls and they told us about a place called deli delights with gelato, so we were like yeah lets try it. We find it, and it was so plush and luxurious, like a pink Barbie land. The workers were all middle eastern and there was the Quran engraven in gold on the wall, and when we ordered our ice cream it was just us. We were sitting there eating it, and it was like the whole neighbourhood showed up, so many people congregating, just chillin on the pink plush sofas haha, with Arabian music blasting. I have never felt so much like the minority before lol incredible

Y'all remember Glen? The guy who showed up to church drunk and was handing out the pollo mints to everyone who bore their testimony. Yeah so haven't seen him in a while, we were walking to a tea appointment, and saw a girl get off the bus, (right by Glens street) start having a convo with her, she's so nice and its going great. Then out of the corner of my eye, I see an old guy emerge and its Glen. He pops right up to us and totally interrupts and says all this random stuff and I thought the girl was gonna bounce, but she stayed. Glen goes off into the shop, and we continue our lovely conversation with her. But Then! Glen comes back like two min later and starts telling her the whole story of the nephites and lamanites and asking her if she's thinking of converting, etc. We had to just hurry and flee to the tea appointment, gave her a card and was like bye Glen. Rip when former investigators trying to help out haha

A scripture that I have loved this week- Alma 37:33-37. Good for missionary work, being a teacher, parent, ministering brothers/sisters, etc. So good, I love the book of mormon. I know it is the word of God and can help anyone at anytime in life, if you just give it a chance! I love my mission. It's been hard at times definitely, but looking back I really only can vividly remember the wonderful and spiritual and happy times. I can't believe tomorrow I hit my 6 month mark! What in the world haha. I am glad i still have a whole year left to become even better and continue to develop my faith in Jesus Christ and help others find that joy for themselves too. I find so much joy being a missionary, and being able to bear my testimony everyday is such a blessing!

This week I am leaving my presh lil village of Horbury, and heading down south to Eastwood, near Nottingham. What!!!!!! I'm sooooooo excited! And so nervous! The zone I'm going to was just barely added to our mission in july, so it is new territory!! Hehe.It's been such a privilege to be in Horbury and see so many miracles. I know i was sent here to meet specific people, and i am so grateful for the lives that have touched mine here. I am so gutted to leave the ward and all the people i see everyday on the streets and buses here who have really became my besties, but I know I've done everything I could here and am ready for the next adventure!

I love you all! Good luck in all you do! Stay happy and remember God loves you, you are everything to Him!

Xx Sister Bascom :)


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