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horbury happenings

Makenna Bascom

Week 24

Yo my fam and friends. What is up? Anyone else getting married or having kids these days? Pls send pics and updates. Anyways, I'll tell ya a bit about life in good ol England.


-got off the bus the other day, hear a kid yell, "hey!" Turn around and it's some lil classic Yorkshire lads, in their Adidas jumpsuits. We were in a rush to tea appointment, but were like "what's up?" The lil one was like "will you go in and buy us some cigs? They won't let us" haha I just laughed no sorry dudes, they were begging us, even was their bday but nah. I'm so savage

-so Idk if you heard, but the Osmonds are in england! Merrill and Jay and his wife Karen and Justin. Anyways, so we were like whoa let's go, they had a little fireside last night, we took our friend Chris. Hahahaha it was a hoot to see the whole entire chapel filled with 50-60 year old ladies, drooling at them lol. They shook my hand and I was proud to tell them I'm from Eagle Mountain, Utah. Haha but seriously, sister gamil and I were dyin, the lil comments and questions the lasses asked them were hilarious and so weird. Osmond mania! Lol and like a lot of the people there were from far away parts of England and not members but true fans. Incredible


-right after the kids asked us to buy them cigs, we're briskly walking to our next appointment, and I saw these girls standing in this big window, waved, and kept walking. after we went by, they opened the window and yelled "hey do you know elder Barlow and elder price?" (Missionaries in the mission) Haha yeah, in their words she said "met them on a bus like a year ago and they tried to convert me but I said no. But really nice lads" lol. Gave em a card with our number and said, think about it again, and ran off.

-speaking of elder price (my DL rn), he does a workout on Friday mornings for everyone in the zone, we all do a conf call and he instructs us what to do haha. This last friday made Sister Gamil and I soooooooo sore, we were like grannies walking around haha. And everyone else In the zone was supes sore as well, rip.

-remember me telling about Angela? So were teaching her this week, she's just a funny lass. Talks sooooooo much about the randomest things and was so tripped up about the resurrection and us trying to explain it to her, bless


- the Osmonds fireside was really good, it was just what I needed to hear. Ya know, as long as we remember God's plan for us and that he's there, we can do anything! Boom

-interviews this week, fabulous. Love the Turveys and their inspirational words and advice.

-we were going to go visit Katharine (recent convert) and invite her to start reading the book of mormon from the beginning. When we started the lesson, first thing she said was oh, I started the book from the beginning last night! Wow boom. Incredible. I love the book of Mormon!

-John 15:1-16, abide in His love <3


-tea with Susan and her bff Gwyneth. Acting like teenagers, it was so funny. A few days after, we got a postcard in the mail from them on their little trip up north to visit their hometown, how presh

-met the sweetest lady named Maxine from Wakefield, it was cute to see her and Sister Gamil bond because they have the same name :) it was fun to talk to her and see her soften as we gave her a book of mormon and tell her a little bit more about what makes us different!

- When members text you and say want a free garlic bread, you go get it. It's good pizza Italia bless

Btw, when I say tea, I mean dinner. Don't worry we keepin the w.o.w here :)

Well yeah, that's about it! Love ya and hope you all have a lovely week. I'm just chillin here in Yorkshire so nice:)

Xx Sister Bascom


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