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I'm not wearing a granny dress

Makenna Bascom

Week 22

Just a lil guy this week-

-met Thomas s. Monson's doppelganger Hahaha!

-sister Gamil and I got matching jumpsuit things, oh they are so funny! We wore them for our 5 month mark, it was so fun

- so our friend Katharine is getting baptised this weekend, and on Saturday we were trying to figure out her baptismal clothes. Hahaha it was so funny, she refuses to wear a jumpsuit or granny dress, sooooooo Idk what she's gonna wear... the district leader FaceTime us yesterday to show us options they had for little girl dresses for her daughter, haha so funny.

-zone conference was so good, not only did I get to see all my girls from the mtc, but also being uplifted and spiritually fed by the Turveys and zone and sister training leaders.

- sister gamil and I started a 40 day fast, wow hard. Just fasting from anything that distracts us, fasting from excuses, that kind of thing. Sacrificing a lot but really being able to purify and cleanse ourselves, it's gonna be so good. I love my mission! I love England! I love the gospel! Love yalllllllll xxx


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