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Makenna Bascom

Week 20

Hi, just another week in good ol england!


-world cup! England made it to the semi finals, but lost to Croatia:/ that night they played each other we had to be in 6.30 pm. We live by a few pubs and you can tell when things are going good or bad Haha. So wild

-still way hot here. When I found out I was going to england, I brought a lot of jumpers and tights and warm stuff, but I don't even wear any of it cause it's supes hot rip


- getting a text from our girl Katherine, saying "I'm planning on doing the prey" hehehe so presh

-on exchanges in Leeds, and this funny lil fam from portugal/Africa and the kids were running around in Hogwarts and pikachu footie jammies and we were playing games with them, Idk how to explain it really but I was laughing my head off, so fun :)


-been studying my patriarchal blessing this week, and working on discovering and using my spiritual gifts. How special that God know us and helps us achieve our full potential :)

-yesterday (sunday) was so special! It was sister cooks last day in Horbury. It was a fab Sabbath, especially because our friend Jacob came to church! And me and my new companion will be meeting with him this upcoming week! It's a miracle, because he is so prepared and has been taught everything, but some personal things got in the way the past few weeks. But I have faith that things are gonna work out this time! And Katherine, oh my. She's growing in her faith soooooo much it's incredible. Her girls love us too, coloring us pictures and giving us lots of sweets hehe. I love this ward and area! Yesterday we were visiting and saying bye to some families (for sis) and I just love em.

So 118 days later, my trainer/mum/companion sister cook and I are going our separate ways :'( she's off to bear lake Utah and I'm chillin in Horbury still. I'm way sad but excited and nervous to be leading the area! My new companion will be arriving tomorrow, sister gamil from the Philippines! I'm so excited, I was in the mtc with her and I absolutely adore her. Ahhh yay! Stay happy y'all, have fun in the sun :)


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